What can you make from hawthorn for the winter?

Only by harvesting useful berries, most people puzzle over what can be cooked from hawthorn to preserve the benefits and taste for the winter. Therefore, further in this article you will find interesting recipes for making delicious jam and jam, as well as amazingly flavored compote.

Harvesting jam from hawthorn for the winter



With washed hawthorn berries, we separate the stems that are unnecessary to us and place the fruits in a large stainless steel pan. Gradually crush the berries so that they give small cracks. In order for the jam to be harvested for the winter, it was not cloyingly sweet, we connect the hawthorn with a little less sugar. Pour a little clean water here and put the pan on the included stove. We cook hawthorn in the formed sugar syrup, somewhere 10-12 minutes and, having set aside the jam from the hotplate, we put it in a cool place for 7 hours. Then re-put the pot with a delicacy on the stove, add a lemonade with vanillin and after boiling continue to cook for 25 minutes. We spread out the hot jam on the jars processed by the steam and seal them with the treated lids.

How to prepare compote from hawthorn for the winter - a simple recipe



With fruits carefully washed hawthorn, carefully separate the green stems. We put everything in a can of 3 liters prepared for further preservation.

We put a pot of drinking water on the stove, and when it reaches the boiling point, we put in it small sugar and let the syrup leave for 4-6 minutes. Then slowly pour it into a container with berries and immediately cork the prepared lid. We wrap the bottle with a dense, warm blanket until the next morning.

Jam from the hawthorn for the winter



Dark, ripe berries of hawthorn are washed and each of them is separated from the stalk. We put the prepared fruits in a wide pan, fill them with water and put on the hotplate of the included plate. Cook our hawthorn about 15-17 minutes, and then throw it into a clean colander, under which we substitute the container and rub it into the whole flesh of the fruit. In the resulting homogeneous puree pour out all the sugar, mix well and send again to the fire. Cook delicious hawthorn jam for at least 35-40 minutes, and then distribute it to the glass jars roasted in the oven. We also roll them with roasted lids and set aside until the jam cools down.