Kvas Bolotova on the cleanliness - medical properties

B.V. Bolotov had no medical education, but was a self-taught phyto-therapist, who had studied the influence of medicinal herbs on the human body all his life. He was sure that it was possible to prolong his youth and health only by regular cleansing, for which Bolotov developed kvass on a clean man, whose medicinal properties this article will be.

Preparation of kvass on a cleaner according to Bolotov

In a three-liter can of milk whey it is necessary to add 1 glass of sugar and 1 tsp. sour cream. The floor of a glass of celandine should be placed in a dense bag, add a load, for example, a pebble and put it in a container, closing the neck with gauze. Infuse 2-3 days in a dry and warm place, removing the mold from the surface if it appears. After 5-7 days, when a precipitate appears, 2/3 of the volume is drained into another 3-liter container, add fresh whey, and pour out the pellet. With the appearance of foam for 10-14 days, you can drink kvass. And it is allowed to drain the drink one liter and supplement with fresh serum. Only 3-4 times, and then have to put a new one.

Those who are interested in how to take kvass Bolotova on a clean, it is worth responding that 1 tbsp. l. for half an hour before meals. Gradually increase the dose to 100 ml. The course of treatment is 14 days, which should be repeated every year.

The healing properties of kvass Bolotov on a celandine

The main property consists in cleaning the internal organs of slags, toxins and other decay products, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism. Normal work of the stomach, peristalsis of the intestine. Minimized effects of such ailments, as cholecystitis, pancreatitis , gastritis, colitis. Many people report an improvement in vision, especially people with nearsightedness. Reduces blood pressure by improving blood flow and vasodilation, strengthening the heart muscle. Cleanses the skin, many skin ailments recede.