Pig ears - good and bad

Pig ears are loved in many countries of the world, even where traditionally they do not eat pork - in Israel and Tatarstan. They are smoked, baked, marinated, fried, pressed, and also eaten raw. Most often this product is used as a snack to beer. To do this, they can be soaked in water for several hours, cleaned, put in a saucepan and pour water with the addition of bay leaf and black pepper. In twenty minutes they can be reached, cooled and cut into strips. Sliced ​​pork ears should be fried in soy sauce with ketchup and several kinds of pepper for 15 minutes. Serve this dish in a hot form.

What are the benefits of pork ears?

Lovers of this byproduct are often interested in the question of whether pork ears are useful. It can be said with certainty that such a dish has considerable benefit for the human body. It contains a large amount of calcium, which helps to strengthen the skin, hair and nails. The rich content of collagen, which is the basis for cartilage and tendons, makes the pork ears useful for joints. This dish is recommended not only for people who have problems with joints, but also for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Porcine ears are 38% protein, which the body needs to improve metabolism and build cells and are the source of minerals such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, sulfur, fluorine and phosphorus, and also contain B and PP vitamins.

Harm of pork ears

Pig ears can not only benefit, but also harm, which is relatively high in calories and high cholesterol , so dishes from this by-product should not be consumed by people with cardiovascular diseases. In 100 grams of pork ears contains 234 kcal. If consumed in large quantities, they can adversely affect the liver and stomach.