What is Urbech and how is it useful?

Urbech is a product that owes its origin to the peoples of the Caucasus and has unique properties. It's not for nothing that those who tried it dubbed Urbetsch the savior of life. What is Urbets , and what is it useful, we also have to learn.

Useful properties of the product

In the Caucasus Urbets have been known since ancient times and in fact is a medicinal product with healing properties:

It is known that even in the XIX century, the mountaineers took with them on the road a simple meal: bread, clean water and urbech - and believed that this is enough to en route not to lose strength and not to be hungry. But it is not enough to know the useful properties of Urbets, it is important to have an idea of ​​how to use it. And for this it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recipe for its preparation. It turns out that it is quite simple.

What is Urbets made of?

For its preparation use, in accordance with its taste and capabilities, seeds of flax, sunflower, pumpkin, any nuts, poppy, sesame, apricot pits. After choosing the base, it is manually grinded with millstones, traditionally - stone ones, which makes it possible to turn the contents into an oily mass: this is how Urbech can preserve all useful properties. It can be taken on the road and eat with a spoon, washed down with water or tea, or spread on bread. It is an energetically very capacious product, so it quickly manifests its healing properties. It is impossible to overeat him: the feeling of satiety comes very soon.

Useful properties of Urbets from almonds

Widespread popularity among the inhabitants of the Caucasus enjoys urbech from almonds, the useful properties of which are increased due to the presence of vegetable protein in it, as well as calcium, phosphorus , zinc and other vital elements. It strengthens muscle tissue, so it is actively used by athletes, as well as people engaged in heavy physical work.

Useful properties of Urnich from flax

However, the most effective and useful is Urbech, the basis of which is flaxseed, so it is worthwhile to understand what is useful for urbes from flax.

It is established that it normalizes the activity of the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the body in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, joint diseases, and problems with the cardiovascular system.

If you want to use urbech as a useful treat, it is added with butter and honey.