Children with hearing impairment

While waiting for the baby, each family hopes for the birth of a healthy child, observing all the prescriptions of doctors and caring for the baby in the womb of the mother. Unfortunately, all the possible pathologies of the child during pregnancy of women doctors have not yet determined to determine, including the presence of hearing. But to determine whether your baby hears, experts can literally on the second day of life crumbs. And if you believe the reviews of moms, this is a very exciting moment for them. For example, at the moment in Russia for 1000 normally hearing newborns there is one child with hearing impairment. If such a special baby appears in the family, then, above all, the health and the full future of the baby in the hands of his parents.

I just want to note that the training of children with hearing impairment is quite successful, if the correct method is chosen, psychologists, teachers, and speech therapists will help in this mom and dad.

Characteristics of children with hearing impairment

As a rule, such children are divided into hard of hearing and deaf people in general. Both groups have problems with speech development, which directly affects the thinking, memory and imagination of the kids. Therefore, the upbringing of children with hearing loss occurs to a greater extent through visual, motor, tactile and tactile sensations.

Ability to learn

In general, hearing-impaired children are also full members of the society, they just need a little more time, as well as active help from parents and teachers in training. Therefore, the education of children with hearing impairment, as a rule, receive individually. First and foremost, they need a speech, which is successfully implemented by the "face reading" method.

Psychology of children with hearing impairment

Healthy children learn the world through communication with their peers, parents and other surrounding people, children with hearing impairment are limited in this, so they often become withdrawn and even aggressive. Parents should also take care of this aspect of their special baby's development: to fill the child's lack of communication, to develop the rests of hearing and speech, so that later the child could communicate with peers without fear of being misunderstood.

Undoubtedly, children with hearing impairment have a number of characteristics: it is the slow formation of speech, and the inability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, and the lack of abstract thinking. But loving and wise parents will help the child overcome all difficulties: regular classes, attention and care of loved ones are able to work miracles. Only under these conditions, socialization, so necessary for children with hearing loss, will be successful.