Immunizations at 14 years of age

As you know, the vaccine itself is nothing more than a medical preparation (vaccine) containing inactivated pathogens. In the course of their effect on the body, immunity to this or that disease is developed. As a result, the likelihood that a person will become ill decreases sharply. However, in order to maintain immunity at the required level, i.e. to create the necessary concentration of antibodies in the body, it is necessary to carry out revaccination.

When do vaccinations take place?

Many mothers, finally waiting for the moment when their child will grow up and become independent, completely forget about the need for timely revaccination, and sometimes do not even know what vaccinations are necessary for children in 14 years.

In every single country, there is a so-called "schedule" - a vaccination calendar , in which a revaccination is carried out at the age of 14 years. So according to him, at 14 years old children are given the following vaccinations:

At the same time, planned vaccinations at the age of 14 include only those that are made against diphtheria and tetanus. Vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out at this age only if earlier, at 7 years old, it was not carried out.

In this case, according to the vaccination calendar, which is used in most CIS countries, the first vaccination against tuberculosis is performed immediately after the birth of the baby. In addition, a distinctive feature is that in the vaccination calendar there is no vaccination against hemophilic infection of type B since in domestic medicine, there is simply no such vaccine.

It is also worth noting that there are such vaccines that are used exclusively in certain geographical areas, due to the presence there of a specific pathogen or an increased risk of the disease. In such cases, vaccinations are carried out according to epidemiological indications, for example - with a flash of meningitis, influenza, etc.