Men-Cancers - what are they?

Male Cancers are born from June 22 to July 22. This sign of the zodiac is under the influence of the Moon, which gives people delicacy, romance and sensitivity. What they, male Cancers, astrologers know.

Famous male Cancers and features of their characters

Among the celebrities under the sign of Cancer were born such attractive men as Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Sylvester Stallone, George Michael, Ivan Okhlobystin, Leonid Agutin. About the talents of these people you can say different things, but one thing unites them - the famous men-Cancers are not too eager for publicity. And this quality is not unpleasant for them - Cancers are often introverts , and their life motto: "Went to itself, will not be soon."

The mood of the male Cancer varies in direct dependence on the phases of the Moon. Today - this macho and ladies' man, tomorrow - a romantic and sentimental dreamer. To predict its mood is difficult, it is easier, probably, to win in a casino. But with the man-cancer is not boring.

What do men like Cancers in women?

Despite the attractive appearance, the male Cancer is often not sure of himself. But usually he tries to hide this fact and make an impression of an uninhibited person. In women, the male Cancer attracts tenderness, weakness, beauty. Representatives of this sign are real gentlemen, a bit old-fashioned and withdrawn, but always ready to come to the aid of a beautiful lady.

Are the male Cancers jealous?

In love, the man-cancer is looking only for the ideal. He is serious about marriage and believes in true and long love. Therefore, the news of the infidelity of the wife will be for him as a "bolt from the blue". He does not expect such a development of events, betrayal for Cancer will be the strongest blow.

Do the male Cancers change?

Mostly male Cancers are true family men, even thoughts that do not admit of treason . Figuratively speaking, they prefer a "hot and delicious dinner at home", and not a "snack in a snack bar". However, if the husband of a male Cancer for a long time in something he does not like and does not want to change, conservative Cancer is capable not only of betrayal, but also of breaking off relations.