Swelling of the mammary glands during pregnancy

Swelling and some soreness of the mammary glands are considered one of the subjective signs of pregnancy. Not all women feel the changes in the breasts that occur during the period of gestation. But most, however, the preparation of the mammary glands for future breastfeeding has pronounced manifestations.

Change in mammary glands during pregnancy

Hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy affect the mammary glands. The hormone prolactin , which is responsible for the production of milk in women, stimulates the breast receptors. As a result, the mammary gland begins the process of growth of cells secreting colostrum, and after the birth of the baby - and the milk itself.

This explains the fact that the mammary glands during pregnancy swell and increase in volume. Sometimes the chest becomes slightly larger, but more often the swelling is noticeable to the naked eye, sometimes the bust adds several sizes at once.

However, this condition of the breast in pregnant women is not an axiom. Many future mothers generally do not feel any difference in the mammary glands during and before pregnancy. Here everything depends on the sensitivity of the breast to hormones. If a girl's breasts have never reacted before to hormonal fluctuations, for example, during menstruation, then, perhaps, the period of gestation will pass unnoticed for the bust. The absence of visible changes in the mammary glands does not mean that they are not preparing for lactation - they are the same processes as those of women who suddenly became owners of magnificent forms.

In addition, that the breast is poured, a woman can find other signs of future lactation.

  1. First, the appearance of the nipples changes. They become larger, and the areola grows darker, pimples, the so-called Montgomery hillocks, appear on it. On the laundry may remain stained, and when pressed from the nipples a thick liquid of a white or yellowish color is released - colostrum .
  2. Secondly, the vascular network of the breast becomes noticeable. Blood circulation in the mammary glands is activated, and the veins begin to shine through the skin, forming a characteristic blue pattern.

What should I do if mammary glands are affected during pregnancy?

In most pregnant women in the first trimester (and for someone and for the entire term), the breast becomes very sensitive and painful. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this. You can alleviate your condition by regularly performing gymnastics for your chest. Exercises will strengthen the pectoral muscles and activate the outflow of the lymphatic fluid, as a result of which the swelling and soreness will decrease slightly.

Important and proper care of the mammary glands during pregnancy. First of all, we are talking about the competent selection of a special bra for expectant mothers. It should be strictly in size, made of cotton fabric, without a rigid frame and with comfortable wide straps - all this provides the breast with good support and prevents irritation of the delicate skin.

Chest should be washed daily with warm water, apply oils or products from stretch marks, do an easy massage (without touching the nipples). These measures will allow the skin and muscles of the chest to be in a tonus and help reduce their excessive sensitivity.