This sign of the zodiac is simply woven from contradictions: on the one hand it is governed by Mercury - mobile, quick as mercury, the patron of traders, diplomats, and that there is a sin to conceal, thieves, on the other, its element is the most inert and resistant to changes - Earth, lasting The foundation on which the existence of all life is based. And if you consider that the sign of the Virgin is also the personification of the feminine, then the man born under it is a complex puzzle, which is difficult to unravel. But those who are frightened by difficult tasks will never get brilliant decisions, so let's not be afraid of the pitfalls in the character of the Virgo man, and we will find a way to understand it, and let us be happy.
Male Virgo - a brief description
Virgo - a sign of intellectuals, good speakers - so that men, representatives of this sign, the language, as they say, "suspended." They know how to let go of skillful compliments, though not from an excess of romanticism, but when they consider it profitable for themselves. If you add the ability of Dev to monitor his appearance, even some metrosexuality, then it becomes clear that they do not experience lack of attention to the fair sex. It is all the more strange that in this case among the Virgo men there are many hardened bachelors. The thing is that even if the Virgin has fallen in love, he does not rush into a pool of feelings, like the Leo, but he observes and tries to understand if that is the girl he needs, and does not always come to a consolation conclusion for the girl.
How to understand that you like Virgo?
In the light of all of the above, it is obvious that for the one who is passionate about the Virgo, it is important to understand what feelings he feels for her, and how she should react to them. First of all, you need to consider, those born under this sign are quite secretive, besides they are often clever liars - say thank you to Mercury's patronage. Therefore, the man-Virgo hardly realizes himself that he has become interested in anyone, at least until he is sure that the young lady meets all the criteria of his ideal. By the way, it is not superfluous to get acquainted with these very criteria, at least in brief. So, the men-Virgo often like girls:
- smart;
- independent;
- good housewives;
- attractive outwardly, while not necessarily meeting generally accepted standards - Dev usually has its own standard of beauty.
If this is about you, then the Virgo man may be interested in you. It is usually as follows:
- he tries to spend as much time with you as possible;
- he listens to your words;
- arranges self-promotion sessions, or simply - brags, of course, not round the clock, but quite actively trying to show "the goods face";
- understand that he is in love with the eyes - like any man in love
In the Virgin they just light up when they look at the object of passion.
Of course, for every particular Virgo man, the signs that he fell in love may be slightly different, because he is like a living person different from the ideal, but to understand his true feelings , based on the above tips, it will still be easier (in any case, sincerely hope for it). By the way, in the event that you are sure of his feelings, you need to act carefully, without excessive pressure - this can scare away the Virgin. Try to unobtrusively let him know that you are the one he sought all his life, and this hardened bachelor will be at your feet.