Lion and Taurus - Compatibility in Different Spheres of Life

Life in this pair will never proceed calmly. Only after a while they will start to learn from each other. The lion will master patience, learn to apologize and begin to trust the partner. Taurus will master the ability to go to the goal, as Lev does. Do not stop at the top and build new plans.

Lion and Taurus - compatibility in love relationships

In this pair, everyone will strive to gain leadership over the other. Taurus can give up positions and leave if the Lion overdo it with frequent disassembly and quarrels. If possible, Leo should try not to conflict and remember that the patience of Taurus has a limit. The joy of loving relationships will come as soon as Taurus and Leo begin to hear each other. Both are by nature leaders and both are rested.

Conflict in their relationship will be exhausted when one of them yields to another. Or they will manage to come to an agreement and find compromises. It will not happen so quickly, it will be hard for everyone to give their positions. Time will polish all the sharp edges and if there is wisdom in both, such a relationship can be fruitful. Harmonious and happy, they will, if Taurus will allow Leo to be the captain of their ship. Taurus and Lion in love are perfectly compatible, but it should be based more on passion and attraction.

Compatibility of Taurus and Leo in Marriage

This couple boasts the highest compatibility in marriage . It is amazing. The fact that they are so different and constantly confront a partner will make them a perfect complement to each other. It refers to all spheres of relations. This pair has the strongest energy, both are externally beautiful. This makes the attraction between them simply unthinkable. And it remains only to have patience and learn how to yield.

The Union of the Lion and the Taurus will be very successful if:

  1. Leo will learn to give the right to be the leader of the second half.
  2. Taurus also has to reconcile with the fact that the other half is uncontrollably spending money.

Lion and Taurus - compatibility in marriage for signs is good, but it takes time to build ideal relationships. And only if both partners make concessions and show patience possible to build a full-fledged and long-term relationship. Many couples, drowning their ambitions and showing wisdom, built strong families and at the same time retained love and passion. If the partners are ready for this, then it is worth a try.

Taurus and the Lion in bed

The main thing is to decide who of them is the leader in sexual relations. There is no doubt that Taurus and Leo are compatible - they are perfectly suited to each other, and such an alliance will be bright and successful. The lion will always be able to bring variety and show imagination. He is an experimenter. All that is required of Taurus, is to endure the partner's desire to reconcile himself with the fact that he has a violent imagination and surrender to him completely. If the leadership in pastels will be given to Leo, then you will not be bored either. Is Taurus the Lion in bed doubts do not cause, because he is so sensual. Such a relationship will burn with passion.

Leo and Taurus - Compatibility in Friendship

Without much effort, both signs like each other and can be trusted. Taurus and Leo friendship is possible long and strong, if there are common interests and common hobbies. It is very important in such an alliance that Taurus acted as a grateful spectator. Leo will assume all the major acting roles. To concede to all the laurels of Leo, as a recognized leader will not be easy at all. But by making concessions, their friendship will be eternal. Leo and Taurus - compatibility in friendship is close to ideal, they will not be bored for sure.

Leo and Taurus at work

In business, it is better not to encounter these signs of the zodiac. They are unlikely to be able to work together. Instead of fruitful projects, only quarrels and conflicts. Such an alliance is unlikely to meet expectations, rather end in complete disappointment. Too they have different tactics in their work:

  1. Taurus is accustomed to achieve everything by diligence and responsibility.
  2. For Leo, the main spirituality.
  3. Lean Taurus, constantly saving up for a rainy day.
  4. The lion immediately spends everything he has earned.
  5. Taurus and Leo are compatible, according to astrologers, only in the case of control over each other.

Star couples Taurus and Leo

Whether the Lion and Taurus approaches each other is controversial, but couples who have managed to create a happy family say better than the stars:

  1. David Holliday and Estelle Lefebure . David Holliday - this is a typical Lion, purposeful and stubborn. Famous actor and singer won the beautiful model. Estelle Lefebure, a strong personality , known for her stubborn character and clearly set goals. David was captivated by her beauty, burning passion. But only because of Estelle's common sense and her wisdom, they got married. Taurus Vyacheslav Fetisov, a famous hockey player of a well-known steel character, also took his wife as a model.
  2. Vladlena Sergievskaya and Vyacheslav Fetisov . Vladlena Sergievskaya, a Lion on a horoscope, known as a model and a businesswoman for a long time resisted the courtship of Vyacheslav Fetisov, a famous hockey player and Taurus. But eventually passed the defense and became his wife.
  3. Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin . Lev Yulia Men'shova, known in her circles for femininity and charm, married Igor Gordin - Taurus on a horoscope and a famous actor. A long marriage brought them happy days and two wonderful children. But the road to a happy marriage was long and winding.