How did you lose weight in Russia?

The problem of excess weight arose not so long ago - only after the end of World War II, when the world (its European part) received a respite and began to fatten. There were fashionable "devices" that simplified life, cars were spread, stores were filled with a variety of food - and after all, all this you want to try.

Previously, the problem was just another - to feed yourself. That is why people with wealth and position in society were fattened up to full fattening - after all, fullness was a direct evidence of prosperity. What the world lacks, as a result, becomes the model of beauty: then - fullness, now - leanness. Nothing special…

By the way, since we are talking about how we lost weight in Russia, it should be noted that Russia the Great, could remain without its most famous ruler - Catherine II. Being not yet Great, she was brought to the "lookout" to Peter III - the environment did not accept the bride because of excessive, simply indecent, thinness. Having been detained in Russia, she was fattened and approved.

How did they lose weight in Russia?

Since we understand perfectly well that earlier, in Russia, the problem was not how to lose weight, but how to recover, we will try to transfer our current problems to the "ancient Russian" situation - and imagine that this is how we lost weight in Russia.

First, the most popular pastime in Russia was a bathhouse. Actually, the tradition remained in force, and the opportunities and strength of the baths have even increased.

So, we go to the bath and do not forget about the preparation.

Before the Russian bath is better not to eat 1-2 hours - in conditions of high temperature, the food will not be digested, and the heart will receive an increased load.

2 hours before the bath you need to eat a fruit salad with yoghurt - only fruits should be Russian:

Yogurt, of course, use the lowest calorie content.

As much as you would not like to eat in the breaks between the steam room - do not do it. To kill the hunger and make up for the shortage of fluids left with sweat, take with you real Russian, not alcoholic, beverages:

You can also prepare sbiten with mint - just brew a few sprigs of mint boiling water and insist an hour. Then add a tablespoon of honey and enjoy!

But after the bath, after 1.5-2 hours you can eat - but not high in calories. The cold soup is best, for example, botvina .

So we realized how we used to lose weight. Bath, teas, botvina and salad from native fruits and berries - what if Catherine II at one time had to lose weight, most likely, it would have done exactly this.