Zizifus - good and bad

Shrub with an unusual name zizifus, until some time was widely distributed in China. Until now, some of it is called "Chinese date", because of the similarity of the appearance of these fruits. Another, already Chinese, name of this fruit is unabi. Currently, the plant zizifus is actively cultivated in the Mediterranean, Asia and southern Russia. Gardeners note his amazing dry and frost resistance. The fruits of the ziphis are very similar to the dates. They have a dense smooth skin, sweet flesh and a large bone. For many, the taste of fresh ziziphas resembles a combination of pear and apple, which becomes more saturated in dried fruits.

Benefits of the fruits of the jeep

The fruits of this shrub contain a large number of nutrients and vitamins:

Their concentration is especially great in plants that have grown on the slopes of hills or in the highlands, in not too fertilized soil.

The presence of all these components provides unabi with useful medicinal properties. Regular intake of these fruits has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. They have a tonic effect, promote the rejuvenation of cells, the excretion of cholesterol . During pregnancy, the fruits will reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, and during the period of feeding, compote of them will promote lactation.

The ability to reduce the pressure of the fruits of the ziphysus, allows them to be taken for medicinal purposes by the elderly, as well as those suffering from increased blood pressure. For effective treatment, the fruits of the ziphysus (5-7 pieces) are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and rinded on a water bath. This broth will help hypertensives normalize the pressure with regular intake for 2-3 months. An alternative to the decoction can be a daily intake of fresh fruits in an amount of 20 pieces 3 times a day as a dessert.

Unabi has a diuretic effect, which positively affects the function of the kidneys and with diseases of the bladder.

Benefits of the bark of the jeep

In addition to the fruit, the healing effect has a thick bark and leaves of this shrub. Broths and infusions of the bark contain the following substances:

The dark-gray bark is used for diarrhea and stool disorders. As an external agent, the decoction is used to treat:

How useful are other parts of the plant?

Decoctions of the leaves of the japus help regulate the heart rhythm, with diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. Rinsing hair after washing, as well as rubbing the infusion into the scalp will help to strengthen the roots of hair and get rid of dandruff. Interesting is the fact that when chewing fresh leaves, the taste buds are paralyzed and it's impossible to feel sweet or bitter taste for a while, while the perception of salty and acidic taste is preserved.

Teas with the use of ossicus stones are used as an easy sedative and for activating the processes digestion.

It should be noted that the benefits of the fruits of the ziphys, is retained both in drying and in heat treatment. Therefore, unabi can be harvested for future use in the form of jams, compotes and jam. And the dried berries do not lose their properties during the year.

The Harm of the Jeep

The harm of the ziphis against the backdrop of its usefulness seems minimal. The hypotensive effect of these fruits causes them to be cautiously enjoying people with low blood pressure. Pregnant women are not recommended to use unabi stones.