Folk remedies for constipation

Among the violations of the gastrointestinal tract, one of the most common problems are constipation. It's one thing when the case is single and the question is easily solved with the help of an enema. But if such a problem arises regularly, it can seriously poison life. Of course, now in pharmacies provided with drugs for almost all cases of life, but you can cope with the trouble and with the help of folk remedies for constipation, the effectiveness of which is time-tested.

Oil from constipation

Various oils occupy almost the first step in the list of home remedies for constipation. Many vegetable oils have a laxative effect, and taken in a pure form stimulate the cholagogue processes, which also affect the normalization of the stool. In addition, oils act as a kind of lubricant, which helps eliminate constipation.

  1. Flaxseed oil with constipation . It is recommended to drink at night 1 tablespoon of butter mixed with half a glass of milk. The mixture must be cooled. Also, to normalize the work of the intestine with chronic constipation, you can use linseed oil in its pure form, twice a day for 1 tablespoon an hour before meals.
  2. Olive oil with constipation . It is best to take an empty stomach an hour before eating 1 tablespoon and drink with a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon juice. Even on the basis of olive oil, you can make a mixture for enema, which is more effective than plain water: 3 teaspoons of olive oil mixed with raw yolk and diluted with a glass of warm water.
  3. Sunflower oil from constipation . Sunflower oil does not have the same range of useful properties as linseed or olive oil, but in the absence of other oils it can also help with constipation. Take it should be on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon, for an hour and a half before meals.

Decoctions and teas from constipation

  1. Flax seeds with constipation. 1 teaspoon of flax seeds pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 4-5 hours. Decoction along with the seeds should be drunk at night.
  2. One of the most effective remedies for people's treatment of constipation is the buckthorn bark. Its broth is used as a laxative and in its pure form, and in a mixture of buckthorn bark, sweet clover grass and nettle leaves in a proportion of 3: 1: 1. A tablespoon of mixture pour a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. Drink a warm broth for the night, half a glass.
  3. As a soft laxative, tea from leaves and twigs of blueberry or tea with the addition of elderberry and rosehip leaves is good.

Other folk remedies for constipation

  1. Dried apricots for constipation . In case of problems with the stool, after each meal, it is recommended to eat dried apricots - 5-6 pieces each. More effective is a mixture of figs, dried apricots, prunes and honey in equal proportions. Dried fruits should be chopped with a meat grinder and mixed with honey. The mixture is taken 1 tablespoon 2 times a day, on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
  2. Bran with constipation . 2 tablespoons of wheat bran pour a glass of warm milk and insist in a thermos or wrapped in a towel for an hour. Take a mixture you need half a cup in the morning and evening for a month.
  3. Beets from constipation . Beetroot is an affordable and popular home remedy for constipation. One of the most common recommendations is to eat on an empty stomach 100-150 g of cooked beet salad. You can also drink a mixture of beet, carrot and spinach juice several times a day. In addition, for the treatment of constipation at home use a mixture of boiled beets (100 g), honey (2 tablespoons) and sunflower oil (2 tablespoons). Half of the resulting mixture is eaten on an empty stomach, and the second - before bedtime.
  4. A mixture of honey and aloe juice in a ratio of 1: 1. Cut aloe leaves are kept in the refrigerator in an opaque container for two weeks, then squeeze the juice, mix with honey and take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.