Colostrum during pregnancy

Women, having learned about the conception that has taken place, begin to pay closer attention to their bodies and immediately note any changes. New sensations disturb the future mother, she has a number of questions. For example, a woman may be concerned about the secretion of colostrum during pregnancy. It is necessary to understand the peculiarities of this phenomenon, so that future mothers can feel more confident.

When and why does colostrum appear in pregnant women?

The mammary glands begin preparation for lactation before delivery. Therefore, women face excretions from the chest during gestation, and this is considered normal. In this case, in the mammary glands there may be tingling, light burning. These sensations are explained by the work of the muscles, which push the milk to the nipple.

Also, many are interested in what color the colostrum in pregnant women is normal. Future mammies should be aware that at first the secretions are thick, sticky and have a yellowish tinge. As they approach the birth of crumbs, they will become more liquid and become transparent.

It is difficult to say unambiguously when colostrum begins to stand out during pregnancy. Usually women face it after 12-14 weeks. Most often this happens in such situations:

Sometimes girls encounter colostrum already in the early stages of pregnancy. This is normal, but only if the process is not accompanied by other anxiety symptoms. So, the appearance of colostrum in combination with pain in the abdomen, back, and bloody discharge from the vagina, can serve as a signal about the threat of miscarriage.

What should I do if I have colostrum?

Future moms will help such advice:

The absence of such secretions before delivery is also not a deviation. This does not affect future lactation in any way and is not a sign of pathology.