Greenish discharge during pregnancy

After fertilization in the body of a pregnant woman, there is a serious restructuring of the hormonal background, which leads to numerous changes in his work. Including, every future mother changes the nature of the discharge.

Starting from the first days of pregnancy, much more secret is produced to create a mucous plug, so the amount of secretions increases significantly, and they themselves acquire a rather thick consistency and a white or slightly yellowish hue. On this basis, some girls can determine that they became pregnant, a couple of days before the delay in the proposed menstruation.

Meanwhile, in some situations, the changed nature of the secretions may also indicate a problem in the work of the female body. So, quite often the young girl at pregnancy can notice occurrence at itself vydeleny greenish color with a smell or without it. In what situations this pathology can arise, and how dangerous it is, we will tell you in our article.

Why in pregnancy can there be a green discharge?

The reasons for the appearance of a green tint may be different. As a rule, this disorder is associated with the presence of infection and indicates the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, or colpitis . It is caused by infections such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis. As a rule, with such diseases the woman has unpleasant green bubbling discharge with a characteristic odor during pregnancy. They can also have an intense yellow-green or yellow-brown tinge. Often, STIs are in the body of a young girl for a long time, but they do not show themselves in any way. After conception of the baby, the woman almost instantly decreases immunity, and many diseases become aggravated. To prevent this from happening, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to carefully examine and cure existing ailments. Treatment of STIs in the period of waiting for the baby can be somewhat difficult, because most mothers are contraindicated in most pharmacy products. Despite this, any such diseases must necessarily be treated under the strict supervision of a gynecologist. In the event of ignoring the symptoms of STIs, unforeseen complications may arise for the health and life of both the future mother and the baby.
  2. White-green discharge during pregnancy, accompanied by a fairly severe itching, is often a manifestation of allergies. Allergen in this situation can be a detergent, daily pads with chemical additives or underwear made of synthetic materials. Such a state is not dangerous, but it can bring a lot of trouble to its owner, so it is necessary to identify the allergen as quickly as possible and to keep all contacts with it to a minimum.
  3. In the case of cervicitis , or inflammation of the cervix, pregnancy often often have yellow-green discharge without smell. Such a violation also requires careful monitoring by the attending physician.
  4. With bacterial vaginosis, there are often green discharges with a "fishy" odor.
  5. Green curdled discharge during pregnancy usually indicate thrush. Most often this happens in those women who, shortly before conception of the baby, took antibiotics and other medications.
  6. Finally, in rare cases, light green discharge during pregnancy can be a consequence of its unfavorable course and even the fading of the fetus. The future mother needs an urgent examination and hospitalization in the hospital of the medical institution according to the indications.