How does hematoma resolve during pregnancy?

Often, a pregnant woman after another ultrasound study finds out that she has a small hematoma in her uterus. Most of the future mothers in this situation panics, however, in fact, this diagnosis is not as terrible a disease as many girls think.

Retrohorialnaya hematoma in the uterus, which is detected during pregnancy at an early age, usually resolves itself, although it takes a long time to wait. However, future mothers who are diagnosed with this should take a number of measures and carefully monitor their health. In this article, we will tell you how much the hematoma dissolves during pregnancy, and what needs to be done to get rid of this disorder as quickly as possible.

How long does hematoma dissolve during pregnancy?

This issue is very difficult, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman, as well as the size of the hematoma itself. In some expectant mothers, significant progress occurs within a week, others - all signs of disturbance remain until the very birth, however, even in this case they safely give birth to beautiful and healthy babies.

As a rule, retrochorional hematoma during pregnancy resolves to the beginning of the third trimester. Nevertheless, the future mother, who is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, must be constantly under the strict supervision of a doctor and, if necessary, go to the hospital. In most cases, the treatment of this ailment involves the following measures: