Vaccinations for children under one year of age

When a little man is born, all parents are faced with questions: "Should the child be vaccinated?" And "Do I need to vaccinate children in general?". In any case, it's up to the parents to decide. We, in turn, will try to consider all aspects of this sensitive issue and tell you about all the pros and cons of vaccinations for children.

Mandatory planned childhood vaccinations

On the good side, the vaccination plan for children should be made individually, but in our countries, unfortunately, this is not the case. Although there are many cases when the timing of vaccinations for children for one reason or another change, most often the reason for this is a medical specialist given by a neurologist.

Table of vaccinations for children

In the countries of the former Soviet Union, these terms may be slightly different, but in general the list of vaccinations for children under one year looks approximately as described above.

Separately, I want to note that the DPT should be inoculated with a break of at least 1.5 months, but some unscrupulous pediatricians can offer you to prick it with a gap of only 1 month, so be vigilant.

Advantages and disadvantages of vaccinations

The only and most important plus of vaccination is protection against diseases that are very difficult or impossible to cure at all. These diseases can appear both in contact with other people, and with animals, as well as in obtaining various injuries and abrasions.

The disadvantages are much greater. After vaccinations, the following consequences can occur:

Therefore, parents should be aware of all possible complications after vaccinations in order to take a weighted decision.

Some vaccinations should be treated with extreme caution, for example, DTP can give very serious complications for a child who is registered with a neurologist. Only very rarely you can hear about these consequences from the pediatrician. They have plans for vaccinations, which they are obliged to fulfill. So it turns out that injections are done practically to everyone: healthy and sick children. Therefore, parents need to prepare in advance for the trip to the clinic: both physically and with the child it is best to conduct a number of procedures and information, in order to notice deviations from the necessary rules.

By the way, parents note that vaccination is also not carried out if the child has anemia and hemoglobin below 84 g / l. Also it is impossible to vaccinate, if there is even a slight runny nose - you can only inoculate an absolutely healthy child!

How to prepare a child for vaccination?

The ideal option is to pass urine and blood tests before vaccination. If they are good, then only you can do the vaccine itself. Many pediatricians believe that children who are not suffering from allergies, do not need to undergo any special training, but practice shows the opposite. A few days before the vaccination, it is necessary to start giving the child antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs, which is better and in what dosage - consult your doctor.

So, we tried to disclose the topic of vaccination as much as possible. Of course, it's no secret that specialists in state medical institutions leave much to be desired. Therefore, if you still doubt whether to vaccinate your child or not, our advice to you is: find a really good and adequate neurologist and consult with him.