Turkish carnation - cultivation

Among the flowers grown by flower growers, the Turkish carnation became popular due to its unpretentiousness during cultivation and the long bright flowering with large flower caps. It is often used to decorate the front gardens, since flowers collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm in size can be of different colors, or even two and three colors, with an original pattern on simple or double petals. Everyone knows the name "carnation" this flower received because of the similarity of its aroma with the famous oriental spiciness.

Turkish carnation - peculiarities of cultivation

The Turkish carnation is a perennial plant: in the first year of life, only a rosette of leaves is formed, and the next - grow peduncles to 70 cm in height and at the same time grow rosettes of leaves that will bloom next year. It is recommended to grow it as a biennial, but the florists with experience after flowering of the Turkish carnation are removed only by peduncles, and the rosettes themselves simply hide for wintering with spruce branches or other material, so the life of the bush is prolonged for several years.

To plant a Turkish carnation should choose a sunny place, but in the penumbra it will bloom. For a full-fledged abundant flowering, it needs fertile soil. If the soil is poor, then in spring, when you plant a Turkish carnation, it should be fertilized with a special agent for flowering plants or organic solution.

Turkish carnations should be watered regularly (1-2 times a week), directing the stream under the root so that water does not fall on the flowers and rosette.

Turkish carnation: reproduction

The flower multiplies in two ways:

The optimal period when it is necessary to sow a Turkish carnation is the end of spring (May), and planting cuttings - early spring.

How to sow the seeds of a Turkish carnation?

  1. Two weeks before planting the seeds, prepare the soil: dig, pour and cover with a film.
  2. Make grooves depth of 1.5 cm at a distance of 15 cm and water.
  3. Seeds shall be placed shallowly, sprinkled with earth and tamped. Do not water.
  4. Cover with a dense cloth until sprouts appear (about 2 weeks).
  5. Transplant the young Turkish carnation to a permanent place until the end of August.

In autumn, planting should be carried out with dry seeds and in dry land.

For reproduction by green cuttings, they must be cut in June, rooted in the ground and periodically sprayed. They take root in 3 weeks and in the fall they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

With proper cultivation, the Turkish carnation will delight you with its abundant flowering in summer for a month.