Anne Hathaway Biography

Anne Hathaway's biography is not full of complex turns or loud scandals. This girl is more likely to attract her talented actor's play and extraordinary appearance, not for nothing that she is compared to such actresses as Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn and Judy Garland.

Anne Hathaway in her childhood and her acting career

The girl was born on November 12, 1982 in New York in the Brooklyn area. Anne Hathaway's parents were related to the acting environment, her mother was an actress, and her father was a lawyer.

Ann Hathaway's debut on the screen took place in 1999 in the series "Be yourself." After that, she was a few years in the various films of the Disney film studio. The first part of "How to become a princess" brought Anne and the first serious actor's success, as well as the first fame among the audience. In 2004, the continuation of the "Princess Diaries: How to become a queen". Almost all the work of Anne Hathaway was successful, and well appreciated by critics. She played in such films as "Jane Austen", "Brokeback Mountain", "Rachel Marries", "The Devil Wears Prada", and also brilliantly performed the role of a female cat in the movie "The Dark Knight: The Renaissance of the Legend."

But the greatest success to her brought a role in the musical "Les Miserables" on the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo. Anne played the part of Fantina in it and won for her the Golden Globe, Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, the BFTA Award, and the Screen Actors Guild of the USA.

Anne Hathaway's personal life

Anne Hathaway for about 5 years was in a relationship with Italian businessman Rafaello Follieri. However, he was arrested for fraud and money theft. Anne was also involved in this scandal, but in the case went only as a witness, and the announcement was not presented to her.

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After that, Ann began an affair with jewelry designer Adam Shulman. In 2012 the couple got married. Anne Hathaway's private life is overshadowed by the lack of a pair of children. Recently there were reports that the actress was desperate to get pregnant naturally, and she and her husband are already looking for options for the adoption of a child.