Dishes from cottage cheese for children

Cottage cheese is a useful sour-milk product containing calcium, phosphate salts, proteins and a number of vitamins necessary for the child's full development. You can use the purchase option, and you can and cook the cottage cheese yourself . Many children like this product, but most often they prefer it in sweet form, this applies to children under one year old and toddlers. It is about the recipes for curd desserts for children, and we will tell further.

Cottage cheese casserole recipe for children

Classical curd casserole for children is easy not only in cooking, but also in digestion.



Curd the cottage cheese thoroughly with sugar and add the chicken egg. All ingredients are mixed again. We add milk, butter and mango. After mixing with a spoon until smooth, mix the mass with a blender. After that, the mass is light and airy. In order for the manke to swell, we send the workpiece to the refrigerator for half an hour. After we get the cottage cheese mass and spread it into the pre-oiled form.

Bake the casserole in the oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 250 °.

Curd and carrot casserole

No less useful dessert for children are casseroles with the addition of vegetables and fruits. Cottage cheese and carrot casserole for children is useful due to the content of additional vitamins in carrots. Cooking it is easy.



Carrots are cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater or crushed in a blender. We mix carrots with cottage cheese. Separate yolks from proteins. Yolks along with sugar is sent to the curd mixture. Whisk the whipped until lush foam and also add to the mass, along with sour cream. Gently mix all the ingredients with a spoon from the bottom up and spread it into the mold.

Bake at 250 ° C for half an hour.

Cottage cheese pudding

Curd pudding for children, like all other dishes does not require a large number of products and a lot of time.



Cottage cheese we grate through a sieve, we add yolk, salt, sugar, crackers and half butter. All carefully mix and carefully insert whipped protein.

We put the mass into a mold, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake pudding in the oven until cooked at 250 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

Cottage cheese biscuits for children

Cottage cheese biscuits for children are very tasty and soft, but for this it is important to get it on time.



Eggs beat with sugar to a lush foam, butter melted in a water bath. Cottage cheese grinded through a sieve. All the prepared ingredients are mixed, pour into the mass of flour and baking powder or soda, which is extinguished with vinegar. We knead the dough, roll it out. The thickness of the layer should be 1 cm. Cut out the cookies and spread it on a baking tray, oiled.

Cookies are baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Recipe for cottage cheesecakes for children

Cheesecake is an easy and beloved dish. It is prepared quickly.



All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed until homogeneous. From it we form syrniki. Before spreading the cheese cakes in a frying pan, roll them in a manga or flour. Fry the syrniki from both sides in vegetable oil until cooked.

Ready-made syrniki spread on paper towels or napkins to remove excess oil.