Celery - good and bad

Due to its unusual taste and aroma, celery has been used for several centuries in kitchens of different countries, more often as the main ingredient in salads and snacks. At the same time, every year the geographical popularity of the vegetable is becoming more and more. If before lovers of celery had to make an effort to buy it, now everything is just sold in almost every store or any vegetable market.

Benefit and harm of stalks of celery

It should be said that this vegetable contains just a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which are of maximum benefit to the human body. Celery is an excellent source of vitamins K, C, B6, A and beta carotene, contains useful dietary fiber and potassium phthalate. It is also worth noting that this vegetable does not contain fat and cholesterol, which is especially important for those who are struggling with extra pounds - a diet for celery is an excellent option to enrich your body with vitamins and give the figure a slender appearance.

Useful properties of celery and contraindications

When considering the useful properties of celery, you need to know that this vegetable is used not only in cooking and for weight loss, but also in non-traditional medicine. So, the usual use of celery contributes to an effective diuretic action, which is very important for certain diseases of the genitourinary system. Leaves have the property to heal wounds and relieve itching and irritation. In addition, the components of celery help get rid of spasms in the stomach and intestines, as well as from constipation.

But, in addition to positive moments, celery can be harmful. So, celery can not be used by pregnant women, especially those who are in the last trimester. Also, to limit the use of celery is necessary for those who suffer from epilepsy or have suspicions of urolithiasis.

What is useful celery for weight loss?

This vegetable not only has a beneficial effect on human health, but also is great for those who want to lose weight. In many respects, its usefulness for weight loss is significant due to the fact that the celery contains a minimum amount of calories, and therefore, you can eat it quite a lot, and it does not hurt, but on the contrary, it helps to get rid of excess kilos, because the body needs to digest a vegetable to spend much more energy than is contained in celery. And yet, the root of celery, about the harm and benefit of which we have already said, is very nutritious and will help to forget about hunger for a long time.

Application of celery for weight loss

As we said, to get rid of excess weight of celery - just an ideal vegetable. And, if you decide to go on a diet with celery for weight loss, you should know that in the framework of this diet you can cook a huge amount of tasty, healthy and low-calorie dishes.

Celery dishes can be eaten daily and even several times a day, which is excellent for a short-term diet. An excellent option to use this vegetable as a substitute, for example, instead of a plate of fatty and harmful borscht to eat mashed potatoes for slimming, which is prepared identical to mashed potatoes, but with minimal addition of fats.

Nutritionists say that if you eat daily celery food, for one week alone you can lose weight by a couple of kilograms. And if you combine the use of this vegetable with physical loads and proper nutrition, for a couple of months you can achieve a fantastic result.