Seizures in the corners of the child's mouth - the most common causes and rapid treatment

Angulitis - seizures in the corners of the mouth in the child - arise as a result of violations of certain processes in the body or the influence of external factors. It is necessary to fight this phenomenon, since open wounds are an additional source of infection and inconvenience for the child.

Zaeda in the corners of the mouth - the reasons for the child

Angulitis (officially - angular cheilitis, angular stomatitis) - an inflammatory disease of the mucous and skin, in which red spots appear in the corners of the mouth, cracks, erosions and crusts. In the people this problem is called zaedy in the corners of the child's mouth, because in adults they are much less common. With this disease, rarely consult a doctor, however, improper treatment is fraught with the transition of the disease into a chronic form, in which case seizures will appear with the slightest weakening of immunity , a lack of vitamins.

Seizures of the child in the corners of the mouth arise due to a number of negative factors, therefore, before determining the strategy of treatment, the doctor must conduct a thorough analysis of the causes of angulitis. Preschoolers often encounter angulitis, the causes of which lie in non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene. A child of younger age can suck fingers, gnaw nails and eat unwashed berries and fruits. There are sniffs in the corners of the lips of the child, with the habit of licking them, especially in cold weather.

One of the most common causes of angulitis is the lack of vitamin B in the diet. In this case, the child's seizures do not pass until the diet is adjusted and the intake of vitamin preparations begins. To distinguish this kind of angular cheilitis is possible for additional symptoms - dry skin and mucous membranes, brittle and dull hair and nails, chronic gastrointestinal problems.

The reasons provoking occurrence заед in corners of a mouth at the child:

Streptococcal angulitis

In the event that a child's seizures are caused by a streptococcal infection, the disease begins with the appearance of bubbles in the corners of the mouth, which burst quickly and leave deep erosion. The wound is constantly injured when the child tries to eat or something to say, bloody and purulent contents are extracted from it. Streptococcal angulitis is difficult to heal, the child is troubled by burning sensations and "tightening" in the wound. Very often the cause of this variety of angulitis are caries and other infections of the oral cavity.

Kandidamicot angulitis

Candida angulitis is characterized by lacquer-red erosion, around which macerated epithelium is formed. Kandidamikotichesky заеда is rarely covered with a crust - on it a grayish raid is formed. In this case, the doctor discovers scores of budding yeast cells in scrapings from a jam. Mixed forms of angulitis are often observed when both yeast cells and streptococci are present in the scrapie.

Than to treat заеды on lips at children?

The answer to the question about how to treat the seizures in a child is not easy, since it is possible to cope successfully with the disease only with a correctly diagnosed diagnosis, using an integrated approach. Correct diagnosis is necessary not only to prescribe adequate treatment, but also in order not to confuse the erosion of angulitis with herpetic eruptions or papules with syphilis. When diagnosed as snoring in the corners of the child's mouth, the treatment may include external drugs, tablets, vitamins and traditional medicine.

Angulitis - treatment, ointment

With candidiasis angulitis, the most popular drug is Fukorcin. This raspberry antiseptic solution 2-3 times a day, and lubricate the corners of the lips, and the skin around the erosion, to avoid the growth of yeast colonies in the face. Ointment from yeast yeast origin:

To combat streptococcal anugitis, a solution of brilliant green is used as a local antiseptic. In a complex with zelenok apply ointments with antibiotics:

In addition to antibacterial and antimycotic preparations, ointments and creams with a healing effect can be used to restore the integrity of the skin as quickly as possible:

Drugs during seizures

Streptococcal angulitis rarely requires the use of antibiotics - enough use of external agents with antibacterial effect, but in difficult cases, you can use tetracycline. When diagnosed, candidal angulitis treatment includes taking antifungal medications, the most popular of which is Fluconazole. The course of treatment with this drug should be at least 10 days, as surviving yeast will very quickly cause a relapse of the disease.

Angulitis - vitamins

The correct answer to the question of how to cure zaeda in a child necessarily includes a list of vitamins. The drug should necessarily include B vitamins and nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). The preferred option is to choose a balanced vitamin preparation, calculated for the age of the ill child. Especially popular are:

To maximally restore the necessary amount of vitamins in the body and cure spoiling in the corners of the mouth in a child will help a balanced diet. In the diet of the baby should include:

Folk remedies at jockeying

Traditional medicine is effective in diagnosing angulitis in children, treatment with pharmaceuticals can be supplemented with home remedies:

  1. Lubricating jaed with tea tree oil, sea buckthorn, rosehip or avocado helps to quicken skin softening and healing of erosion. For the same purpose, it is possible to apply honey, butter, cucumber juice, aloe or calanchoe to the wounds, as well as the contents of the Aevit capsules.
  2. An ancient folk remedy for treating snacks in the corners of the mouth in children is earwax, which is smeared with erosion.
  3. To disinfect wounds, you can use strong green tea, which rubs the skin in the mouth and cracks themselves.