What to feed garlic after winter - the best means and methods of fertilizing

If you know what to feed garlic after the winter, you can see a significant crop in the garden. Successfully selected fertilizers feed shoots, greens, bulbs. Competent distribution and dosing of feed compositions favor the improvement of the quality of growing products and add weight to the head at least twice.

What spring to feed garlic after winter?

Often, for the cultivation of garlic, a technique is used that provides for its planting for the winter. This culture, although considered unpretentious, requires some attention. It is important to know how to successfully feed garlic after winter in anticipation of the pores of activating growth. Organics are important for gardener who does not want to consume chemistry, for her use mullein , chicken droppings, ashes. Mineral fertilizers for garlic in spring to increase the yield should be rich in nitrogen at the start of growth for vegetation of the green part of the plant, potassium and phosphorus when forming the head.

Dates of garlic feeding in spring

Spring topping of winter garlic is done twice. After the snow falls, the culture suffers from a shortage of mineral components important for vegetation. The third stage of plant saturation with nutrient formulations falls out for the summer (end of July) - at the start of the formation of the heads and elimination of the flower arrows. For pre-harvest recharge superphosphate is suitable - 2 tbsp. spoons for 10 liters of water, the norm is covered - 3-4 liters per m 2 .

The terms of the first and second feeding can be slightly shifted, and the third must be made clearly on schedule. If it is done earlier, then the introduced minerals will go to the formation of arrows and greens, and the delay threatens to reduce the yield. Additional make-ups are carried out if obvious signs of a shortage of nutrients are visible on the plant.

The first top dressing of garlic after winter

The first top dressing of winter garlic after the shoot in spring takes place 1-2 weeks after the snow falls. It is designed to stimulate the vegetation of the green part. After winter, the composition containing nitrogen is the initial basic fertilizer. After feeding, garlic should be thoroughly watered, avoiding overmoistening of the soil. For the first top dressing, the plant responds with a noticeable increase in roots and green mass.

In addition to winter garlic, rooted under the winter, there is spring garlic - it has been cultivated since the beginning of spring. The make-ups for both crops fully coincide. The only difference is that the shoots in the winter plantations are more likely, therefore the first feeding is performed earlier. Spring garlic is saturated with nitrogen after germination in seedlings of three or four leaves.

The second top dressing of winter garlic

Secondary feeding of garlic takes place 14-15 days after the first, it is important for both autumn and spring plants. Deciding how to feed garlic after winter, it is important to know that the composition must also contain nitrogen, but it's time to energize the plant with potassium and phosphorus to grow the head. They decompose for a long time, therefore it is necessary to bring them into the ground in advance. Top-dressing of winter garlic in May is done with watering. Until mid-July, the nitrogen-containing preparations should be stopped - at this time the formation of the underground part starts.

How to feed winter garlic in the spring?

Top-dressing of winter garlic in early spring can be carried out by different compositions, both organic and mineral. In the first case, you can not use the chemistry and make-up water on the beds, without worrying about nitrates. Also popular are the folk remedies to saturate the garlic with nutrient components experienced by time. Than you can feed garlic after the winter - organic:

  1. Mullein - you can make it throughout the growing season. To prepare the sauce, manure is poured into the barrel, it is poured with water 1: 5 and left to wander for 2 weeks. The solution is diluted with water 1:10, applied to beds (norm of 8-10 liters per m 2 ).
  2. Chicken litter - will help to cope with the yellowing of the foliage. It is flooded with water 1:15 and left to wander for 2 weeks. After a bucket of water is diluted in the bucket with water and the plants are fed in spring.

Mineral fertilizers for garlic in spring

Often mineral additives are used by farmers on extensive plantations. On small sites, their use is advisable, if there is no way to get organic. Standard feeding:

  1. The first mineral fertilizer for garlic should contain nitrogen to build up the green mass. To do this, you can dilute simple chemicals: a solution of urea (carbamide) - 1 tbsp. spoon of the preparation for 10 liters of water or ammonium nitrate - 15 g per 10 liters of water. 3 liters of nitrogen-containing gravy is enough for watering 1 m 2 of beds.
  2. As the base of the second feed, one can take a solution of nitroammophoska - dilute 2 tbsp. spoons in 10 liters of water, the norm of grazing - 4 liters per 1 m 2 . It will impregnate the plant with phosphorus to build up the head.

How to feed garlic after winter with folk remedies?

With unwillingness to consume chemistry, top dressing of winter garlic with folk remedies is performed:

  1. Wood ash will saturate the plant with nutrients and disinfect the soil. It can be used in autumn and in May-June in the second stage of fertilizers. The ashes fall asleep between the beds or the plants are watered with liquid gravy (200 g of ash per 10 liters of water).
  2. Salt the growth of garlic accelerates, fights with yellowing and leaf drying. Mineral disinfects the earth, protects from nematodes, threadlike worms. For preparation of gravy take 3 tbsp. a spoonful of salt on a bucket of water, the plants are flushed at a rate of 3 liters per 1 m 2 .
  3. Ammonia alcohol is suitable for foliar replenishment. 25 ml of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water and the plants are sprayed. Ammonia destroys parasites and saturates the garlic with nitrogen. It can be applied throughout the growing season.

How to feed winter garlic in the spring, if it turns yellow?

Vegetables growers garlic, sometimes the question arises: why the culture yellow leaves and how to cope with the problem. Often this is due to a violation of cultivation technology. Possible cause of yellowing of leaves of winter garlic:

  1. The plant fell into freezing. Then it must immediately be treated with a growth biostimulator such as Epin, Zircon, HB-101.
  2. The plant became ill with fungal or putrid diseases. It must be shed, the greens must be disinfected with the substance Phytosporin, Maxim. It is better to moisten the soil with them prior to planting.
  3. Garlic does not have enough nutrients - nitrogen or potassium. Then it must be supplemented additionally and sprinkled with urea, powdered with wood ash. Leaves can be irrigated with potassium sulfate - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  4. Parasites can cause yellowing. Small worms and nematodes can be removed by spraying the plant with a solution of salt (200 g per 10 liters of water).
  5. Drying of the leaves can lead to a shortage of moisture. Garlic should be watered on time, not allowing a strong drying of the soil.