Pregnancy: a girl or a boy?

Barely pregnant, most women immediately start to wonder - who will be born: a boy or a girl? Relatives and friends tease the questions "and who would you like?" And "how do you call?". Yes, and the husband now and then dreamily says about the heir or about Dad's princess. How here not to be tempted and not to try on yourself various signs?

Take, designed to determine during pregnancy the girl you have born or boy, quite a lot. Some of them have a little scientific reason for doing something in Malmö, others just cause a smile. But our grandmothers believed in them, maybe it will not hurt us? In any case, these amusing observations will brighten up the long months of waiting.

So, a few signs of pregnancy as a boy and girl:

Of course, all these and other signs are doubtful, since toxicosis can be observed in any scenario, the taste preferences of the mother are strictly individual, and the shape of the abdomen depends on the pelvis and other features of the mother's anatomy and on the position in which the child lies. But nothing prevents to draw from these signs something useful for itself.

Methods and methods of conception of a girl or a boy

For couples who are at the stage of pregnancy planning, you can give a few tips that in one way or another can help plan the sex of the unborn child.

So, to conceive a child of a certain sex - a girl or a boy, you need to know the exact day of ovulation. If you want a boy to be born, have sex not later and not earlier than 24 hours before the onset of ovulation. Male sperm are bright, but they live, unfortunately, not for long. Therefore, they should get a chance to get to the egg quickly, without waiting long for its release. Increasing the probability of conception of a boy is even more possible if you have sex in certain poses: missionary, posture "man behind" and "doggy style".

With the conception of the girl, things are different. It is necessary, again, to know the day of ovulation, but to have sex a few days before her. Female spermatozoa are less mobile, but more hardy. They may not be able to keep up with the male "tadpoles," but they do not need patience. They can live in the womb for up to 5 days, patiently waiting for the release of the egg, while the male spermatozoa have already disappeared from the race (died).

As for the posture for the conception of a girl, then any shallow pose is best. It is desirable that a woman does not experience orgasm, because the acidic environment can prolong the life of male sperm, but we do not need it at all.

There are also recommendations for a diet for the conception of a girl or boy. For the conception of the girl, feed the husband several months before the alleged conception with sweet food, fruits, unsalted confectionery, fresh vegetables, nuts, fruit juices. If you want a boy, eat yourselves and feed your husband with all kinds of meat, black chocolate, fish, coffee, pickled cucumbers.

Although this may seem implausible, but studies show that in 80% of cases, couples who adhere to such nutritional recommendations received as a result a child of a "conceived" sex.