Easter for children

Almost every family celebrates Easter. After all, this bright spring holiday has very ancient roots and thanks to its special entourage it is ideal to introduce the child to the basics of spiritual culture. Therefore, let's talk about how to tell the children about Easter so that they sincerely love this momentous day and are imbued with its life-affirming atmosphere.

What do you need to know about your baby about the holiday?

Usually Easter for children is tasty cakes, colored eggs and joyful congratulations. But this holiday has a deep meaning. The task of parents is to help the son or daughter realize it and get acquainted with the most important Christian tradition, which, in the future, will have a tangible impact on the formation of the child's personality.

To Easter for children has become for them a special date, talking with children about the history and essence of the holiday is vital. It should mention the following facts:

For all Christians, Easter is one of the most important days of the year. Its other name is the Resurrection of Christ. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was once crucified on the cross for the redemption of human sins, but three days later he was resurrected. And it happened just on Easter. Therefore, every year on Bright Sunday we celebrate the victory of good over evil and light over darkness, and we know that thanks to the feat of Jesus, God forgives us all sins if we sincerely repented and cleansed the soul. Such a story about the Passover of Christ will surely please children, if you tell it fascinatingly and with inspiration.

Explain to the crumb that on this day everyone is happy about the resurrection of the Son of God, who then ascended to heaven and to this day protects us from all bad. Therefore, it is customary for us at Easter to greet "Christ is risen!" And to hear in response "Truly Risen!". This tradition originated back in the time of the Roman Empire. Emperor Tiberius did not believe Mary Magdalene when she brought him the news that Christ had come to life, and said that rather a chicken egg would turn red than this event would happen. And at the same time the egg in the woman's hands acquired a reddish hue, and the stricken Emperor believed in the power of God.

On Easter, it is customary to attend church, including night service, to express to God our love and gratitude for the atonement of our sins.

Participation of children in the preparation of the holiday

Preparing for Easter with the children is very important: so they can better understand the importance of this significant date. Let your kid do the following:

Drip drip drip

Near our window.

The birds sang happily,

On a visit, Easter came to us.