Certificate of establishment of paternity

Between parents there are complex, and sometimes absurd relations. A lot of them. For example, mom and dad are not married, or painted, but not with each other, or a woman gave birth, but not from her husband, etc. Legislation corrects family problems in favor of children. Karapuzy, who were born out of wedlock, have the rights such as kiddies from complete families. In addition, already being an adult, a child must fulfill his duty to elderly relatives. He is obliged to look after only his parents, and not strangers. This is why you need to register a certificate of paternity - this is an opportunity to avoid some problems in the future.

If the carapace appeared in the marriage, the pope will be recorded without any problems in the birth certificate. But! Cardinally everything changes if the parents of the crumbs are not painted. And let dad be against it, i.e. does not want to admit the baby, it does not matter. The procedure can go beyond his desire. We will discuss the process itself, how to obtain a certificate of establishment of paternity.

Hand it can only:

Where can I get a certificate of paternity? Dad and his mother go to the registry office either at their place of residence or where they registered crumbs.

Procedure for registration

Parents fill out one application. In addition to it:

But how to get a certificate of paternity if the mother (mother) died? Or, perhaps, she is in a psychiatric hospital and can not help raising her child, but even appear in the registry office. Of these difficult and dramatic situations, there is also a way out. Dad goes to the registrar's office alone and writes a statement himself. It will be difficult to formalize the rights to the child, because you need the consent of the guardianship authorities and still prepare a package of other documents. In addition to the above listed papers, the registrar is provided with:

All that we discussed above, refers to situations where the child is not 18. And how is the procedure, if he is already 18? Everything goes according to the same procedure, only the last document is not needed - enough consent of a young man or a girl for adoption.

Father and mother write separate statements, if they did not manage to make one.

When will you not escape the trial? We answer: if there is no general statement or statement from the pope, and also the consent of the guardianship authority is not given.

The certificate on the establishment of paternity (sample see below) is issued on the same day.

Many mothers raise their child with a non-native father, then divorce and seek to obtain the status of a loner. Can I cancel my paternity certificate? Unfortunately no. This is challenged in court, and this process is very painstaking.