Folk signs of pregnancy

During the magical 9 months of pregnancy, changes occur not only in the female body, but also in the world perception, because I want to give birth to a healthy child, try hard to listen to the advice of specialists, and some - and to the popular signs for pregnant women.

Pregnancy - signs and superstitions

Never beautiful ladies were not so prone to prejudices and fears, exactly how this life stage of becoming a motherhood. Some can take advantage of this and frighten the future mommy in earnest. After all, wherever you look: they recommend not to get a haircut, they do not have to be painted, but someone does, as if from insanity, insists that you can not swim. Let's try to figure out which signs and superstitions in pregnancy are worth listening to, and for what there is nothing more than ordinary human fear.

So, here is an example of the most common superstitions that are popular among future parents.

  1. Native cross. It is believed that a woman must always wear a cross on demolitions, and at the time of delivery it should not be removed.
  2. Hair combing. It is not recommended to comb the braid for the great annual Christian holidays. The Old Believers say that this may make the louse appear lice.
  3. Sewing. Folk signs during pregnancy say that you do not need to resort to sewing, embroidering, etc. on holy days and on Sundays. This is explained by the fact that in this way it is possible to inadvertently "sew" eyes and mouth to your future child.
  4. Fire. Do not look at the fire - from this the child may have some stains resembling burns (in science they are called "hemangiomas").
  5. The reins or the rope. Do not step over them at all. This promises to entangle the baby with the umbilical cord, which is fraught with suffocation during childbirth.
  6. Water. Do not pour water through the threshold, if you do not want your miracle to have frequent vomiting in the future. Including, and never drink from a bucket - a baby can develop heartburn.
  7. Frightened. Drain yourself from clutching at the face, leg, arm or other part of the body, in fright. All the signs during pregnancy, like one, warn that you can soon forget about this alarming situation, and the baby will still have birthmarks there, what you touched.
  8. Food. As funny as it sounds, but do not abuse the food, if you do not want your krovinochka was an envious person.
  9. Christening. Being in position do not baptize other children - this promises them a quick death.
  10. Fire. Do not blow at him. You do not have the desire, that the fruit of your love suffocated during its appearance in this world.

Signs of a sex of the child at pregnancy

The topic of sex determination of the future baby is always relevant at any time. Undoubtedly, at the moment, science has stepped far ahead and in a matter of seconds you can find out exactly who you are carrying. But there are cases when the ultrasound is not fully reliable or the parents refuse to expose the baby, though small, but irradiation.

So, let's find out what are the signs related to pregnancy and help determine the sex of the child .

  1. Signs of pregnancy as a boy. Pay attention to the shape of your stomach - if it bulges and sharp, then expect a son. This is also evidenced by the rapid growth of hair on the legs. If the parents are married or are married at the time of conception, this also indicates the appearance of a small man. In the case when the husband loves his beloved more, then also expect the son. The future mother sleeps head to the north, prettifies during all these 9 months, pulls her to consume only meat food, and the shape of her spout has got a slightly blurred appearance - folk signs of determining pregnancy suggest that your creation can choose male names.
  2. Sign of pregnancy girl. The abdomen bulges more to the left, and the areola around the breast nipple get a dark color - you carry a princess under your heart. In the mornings you are tormented by toxicosis and nausea, and pigmented spots appear on your abdomen, while heartburn during pregnancy makes itself felt more and more often - these signs indicate that your daughter will be born with thick curls. Do not forget, when in the early term a chill appeared, this is an obvious sign of your child's female sex.

Most importantly: remember that not all signs associated with pregnancy have a logical basis. Some were passed by word of mouth because of some kind of fear. Not everything that they say is worth believing, trust, fluttering in you, maternal intuition, rest assured, it will not let you down.