How to put the baby to sleep during the day?

A healthy sleep is necessary for a small child like air, because it is during sleep that the baby develops fully mentally and physically, and also recovers when sick. For many parents to put crumbs to sleep becomes a real problem. And if in the evening the child usually gets tired and falls asleep quite quickly, then in the daytime, on the contrary, the baby is so active and excited that it becomes impossible to pack it.

Meanwhile, daytime sleep remains necessary for the child until he is 4-5 years old, especially for babies up to the age of three. In this article, we'll talk about how to properly put the baby to sleep during the day, and what mom can do to help the little one fall asleep.

How to make a child sleep during the day?

There are several simple recommendations how to teach a child to sleep during the day, following which you can put the baby without tears and screams for a short enough time:

  1. It is very important, literally from the first days of life crumbs, to adhere to a clear mode of sleep and wakefulness. The baby's body will quickly adjust to a certain time of day's sleep, and it will be easier for him to fall asleep.
  2. In addition, try to follow the same daily sequence of your actions. For example, right after dinner you read a story to the kid. In this case, reading aloud will be associated with the child's daytime sleep, and therefore, you can put it faster.
  3. Finally, the most important thing that needs to be done if the child can not be put to sleep in the afternoon is to remove external stimuli. Naturally, even the most tired kid will not want to go to bed, if on TV at that moment show an interesting cartoon, or in the house there are guests. Ideally, the child should rest in a separate room, but if you do not have such an opportunity, try to create an atmosphere in the common room that adjusts the crumbs to sleep - turn off the TV and turn on quiet quiet music, and talk as quietly as possible.