Zaitsev's cubes - a technique

Zaitsev's cubes are a unique technique that can be described as a game rather than a training one. Nevertheless, in spite of non-standard and accessible, it helps not worse than traditional pedagogical methods. Children with pleasure learn to read, write and even learn the basics of foreign languages, playing interesting cubes and singing funny songs.

How did the method of early development of Zaitsev come about?

The future innovator in the field of pedagogy Nikolai Alexandrovich was born in 1939 in a family of rural teachers. He graduated from the Philological Faculty of the Leningrad State Pedagogical University. Herzen, after which he was sent an interpreter to Indonesia. There he faced the task of training officers for the Russian language. We needed a special training program - the most concise, but effective, that people from scratch could get the basic knowledge of the Russian language in the shortest possible time. This was the impetus for the creation of a completely new methodology, which turned the educational process. According to the author, he penetrated the very essence of the language in order to learn how to transfer it to others.

Learning to read according to the method Zaitseva violates all the usual canons. It is oriented towards the psychological aspects of the perception of the language, therefore it is completely devoid of cumbersome constructions and rules that must be memorized by heart. Inspired by his overseas debut, Zaitsev began to test the technique on schoolchildren, but he failed - the children did not perceive it. It was easier for them to continue studying according to the schemes that pedagogues who adhered to traditional methods had already laid in their heads without going into the depths. And then, mindful of the experience of teaching Indonesians, he turned to preschool children - children from 1.5 to 5 years old and achieved unprecedented results.

Teaching children according to the method of Zaitsev

When creating the method, the teacher was guided by the peculiarities of the development of children's speech. So, he believed that the alphabet is harmful, because it binds the letter to a specific image. The child remembers letters-images, but then can not connect them to words, since the need for such a merging of images causes cognitive dissonance.

For the unit of pronunciation, he took not a syllable, not a letter, but a warehouse - a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant and soft or solid signs, just a consonant. It's the warehouses that are put on the verge of all the famous cubes of Zaitsev, and the children learn how to add words from them. To facilitate memorization of warehouses, cubes differ in color, weight and size. After the child has learned to add words, he goes on to simple phrases. In addition to the cubes, the technique also includes special Zaitsev tables, which show the same letters as on the cubes. All this is a single coherent system that allows the baby smoothly move from one stage of training to another.

Classes in Zaitsev's method are held in an easy game form. A boring academic learning process is not suitable for small fidgets, and you can not even sit down to learn with cubes. Better, of course, if the lessons are held by a specially trained teacher, parents often do not have enough patience to wait until the child, remembering warehouses, finally becomes a word from them.

Cubes of Zaitsev

For classes, you can buy a ready-made set, in which there are printed tables, all the necessary preparations for gluing cubes, as well as materials for filling them - tin plugging and wooden sticks. Also included in the kit is a CD with songs and a methodical manual, which details in detail how to make cubes Zaitsev and how to deal with them. If desired, all this can be done independently from improvised means, taking a sample layouts on our website.