How to pickle bacon - interesting recipes at home

How to pickle bacon is a question that many housewives are interested in. The product can be bought in a salty form, but if you do it yourself, the taste will only be better. In addition, you can take into account all the taste preferences, wishes and add your favorite spices.

How to pickle bacon at home?

Pickling bacon is not at all difficult. For this, you do not need to have a great culinary experience. Having at hand a quality product, a good recipe and recommendations for cooking, there are no problems with how to properly salivate fat.

  1. To get a delicious product at the outlet, you need to choose fresh white fat, in which a thin skin without bristles.
  2. If you want to get a product of a dense structure, it is better to salt it in a cold way.
  3. Ready-made salted fat before use is kept in the refrigerator or in the freezer.
  4. How to pickle the fat to make it piquant and fragrant - you need to use black and fragrant peppers, bay leaf, garlic. At will this list can be added to taste.

How delicious to pickle bacon in the brine?

Salo, salted in brine, is a great snack. It is prepared simply, but from the moment of the beginning of preparation and to the receipt of a product that will be ready for use, it will take at least 3 days. But the time and effort spent are worth it - the fat goes very tasty and can be stored in the freezer for a long time.



  1. Water boil with spices, boil the brine for about 7 minutes and cool.
  2. Salo, cut into pieces, is placed in a saucepan, poured with brine and add garlic cloves.
  3. On top put a plate, put down and for a day left in the room.
  4. After that, clean for a couple of days in the cold.
  5. Then the pieces are removed, dried, rubbed with spices and the delicious salted fat is stored in the freezer.

How to pickle lard with garlic?

Salted lard is home-style with garlic - an excellent addition to the aromatic borscht and other dishes. It comes out incredibly tasty and piquant. At salting salo it is possible to rub garlic, and it is possible and napigovat. To do this, the lobules are cut into pieces and inserted into the notches made with a sharp knife in the product.



  1. Salo is cut into pieces 10 cm wide and about 2.5 cm thick and rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and garlic.
  2. At the bottom of the container, salt is poured into a layer 5 mm thick, and bacon is laid.
  3. All the gaps are covered with salt, a new layer is laid and also sprinkled with salt.
  4. A plate is placed on top and a load is placed.
  5. A day later the cargo is removed, the fat is mixed and cleaned in the cold for 5 days.
  6. After that, the fat is removed, rubbed with a mixture of pepper and garlic, placed in bags and sent to the freezer.

Salted lard in brine in a can - recipe

It is very convenient to prepare salted salted in brine in a jar. The main condition - the product should be cut into pieces of this size, to be placed in a container and extracted from it, it was convenient. Still it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to close the jar tightly with a lid, there must be air access to the product.



  1. In the pot, pour in water, pour in salt, mix and place on a plate.
  2. After boiling, the fire is turned off and cooled to 40 degrees.
  3. Garlic slices are cut into plates and inserted into incisions made in slices of fat.
  4. Put the product in a jar alternating with a laurel leaf and pepper.
  5. Fill the lard with cooled brine, cover the jar and leave it for 2 days in a dark place, and then for another 2 days clean in the cold.
  6. Fat is removed, dipped with paper towels, wrapped in foil and sent to the freezer.

How to pickle the fat for smoking?

Salo is such a universal product that it is salted, smoked and fried. How to pickle bacon for further smoking, so that the product is delicious, now find out. I'm glad that this is done very quickly and simply. And that the product is evenly salted, the package should be periodically turned over.



  1. Fat is cut into pieces of medium size, cuts are made in them and garlic is inserted.
  2. Top with salt sprinkled with the product.
  3. Lay the fat in a bag layer by layer skin and sprinkle with salt.
  4. The package is closed and left for 3 days salted salo at room temperature.

How to pickle the fat in the onion husks?

If you are looking for information on how to quickly salivate bacon - this recipe is for you. Appetizer, salted in onion husks comes out appetizing, and has a pleasant brown tint. It looks like a smoked product. And if you want it to be drier, then immediately after it was removed from the water, the fat can be put under pressure.



  1. Pour salt into the water and bring to a boil.
  2. Add the onion husks and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Brine is dropped into the brine, the fire is reduced and cooked for 10 minutes.
  4. Fire turn off and leave the fat in the brine for another 15 minutes, and then it is extracted and dried.
  5. Garlic is finely chopped, laurel leaves are broken, and pepper is pressed.
  6. Salted fat in onion husk is rubbed with spices.

How to pickle bacon in a dry way?

If you do not know how to tastily and fat salo, this recipe is for you. It describes the optimal way of preparing this product, which does not require any special time. If salo is salted in the morning, then in the evening it will be ready for consumption. The amount of spices can be varied depending on personal preferences.



  1. Mix the chopped garlic, salt and spices.
  2. The fat is rubbed with the resulting mixture, wrapped in foil and kneaded with his hands.
  3. At 8 o'clock, leave the fat in the room, and then for 2 hours remove the fat salted in a dry way in the cold.

How to pickle bacon in Ukrainian?

Salted bacon in Ukrainian is the classic version of your favorite snack. The great advantage is the speed of cooking. After the product has been brewed at room temperature, it is packed in a bag and put away for a couple of hours in the freezer. And after that it can be cut into thin slices and served to the table.



  1. Salo is cut in large pieces, rolled in salt, cuts are made and plates of garlic are inserted.
  2. Rub the pieces with pepper and crushed laurel leaves.
  3. Spread the blanks on a large dish, cover with a film and leave for 2 days.

How to pickle bacon with a layer?

How to tastily salted bacon with an interlayer to make it juicy and tasty, learn from the recipe given below. Its feature is that the fat is boiled in plastic bags. Therefore, it is important that they are dense and do not tear during cooking. With this method of processing, the product is particularly delicious.



  1. Salo is washed, drained and cut into pieces up to 7 cm wide.
  2. In each of them they make incisions and insert into them pieces of garlic.
  3. Spices, salt are mixed with mayonnaise and grease fat on all sides.
  4. Each piece is placed in a bag and tied.
  5. Dip the bags in a pot of water and after boiling on a small fire cook for 1.5 hours.
  6. After that, the packages are cleaned for 2 days in the cold.

How quickly to pickle bacon?

This recipe of salted fat is useful when it needs to be cooked in the shortest possible time. Only half an hour and the product will be ready for use. But it's better if it's cooled right before serving. The recipe indicates the minimum amount of spices, if desired, you can add others.



  1. Salo is cut into pieces, garlic clipped, rubbed with salt, pepper and placed in a jar.
  2. Install it in a pot of water and sterilize for half an hour.
  3. After that, salted bacon at home is immediately ready for use.