How to hang curtains?

If you bought a usual curtain, but now do not know how to properly and beautifully hang it, you will help our small and simple master class.

Preparing the curtains

If you bought a curtain with an already sewn curtain tape, this will greatly simplify your task. If there is no tape, you need to buy it and either sew yourself, or entrust this work to the master atelier. In any case, without it you do not hang the curtains on the cornice .

When your blind is ready, that is, a curtain tape is sewn to it, you need to make sure that the ropes on it are well fixed with knots.

If this is all right, you can begin to collect the curtains in the folds. To do this, you need to know the width of the window to pull the curtain to these sizes. And when the curtain is already sufficiently tightened, you need to reattach the ropes to keep the folds collected. The resulting long rope can be gathered into a neat bundle and hidden from the underside of the curtain.

Collected creases should be evenly distributed over the entire width of the curtain. To do this, smooth movements of fingers and hands spread apart tight folds until you make sure that the whole curtain is in uniform tails.

Now we need to hang hooks on the curtain tape. They need to be stocked in advance and in sufficient quantity. The more hooks are located, the more reliable and beautiful your curtain will hang. Try to keep an equal distance between them.

How to hang curtains on a window?

We proceed directly to the question of how to hang curtains. When you have everything prepared, that is, all the hooks have found their place on the curtain tape, the folds are beautifully distributed over the curtain, then it is not difficult to hang it.

You simply slide the round part of the plastic hook into the groove on the ledge and extend it to the middle of the window. Gradually, you will put all the hooks in the cornice, and your curtain will hang beautifully and reliably in the window opening.