Diet with urolithiasis

Diet in urolithiasis is not a method of treatment, but a method of facilitating the work of your internal organs. By building your diet on a certain type of food, you can not only avoid a worsening of the situation, but also avoid the pain syndrome, which is invariably accompanied by this kind of disease.

Diet in kidney kidney disease: the basics

If you just feel pain in the kidneys, but you are not sure that this is exactly urolithiasis, because you have not been examined, do not try to apply the diet. In case you are mistaken, and the probability is not small, you can seriously damage the body. Diet for the kidneys can be completely different, depending on what kind of stones you have. That is why what kind of diet for kidney disease is needed for you, will determine only your doctor on the basis of the results of the tests.

When you are told, based on what your diet should be, you should strictly adhere to these principles. Improper nutrition can lead to deterioration - the formation of new stones. It is in the complex diet for urolithiasis and special treatment give good results.

It is believed that women are prone to such a disease more than men. The cause may be chronic diseases in the genitourinary area, gastrointestinal tract diseases, smoking or beriberi. But the main cause is poor nutrition. First of all, it concerns gourmets who choose sharp and sour dishes. Due to the systematic use of such food, a precipitate develops, which eventually becomes sand, and in the future - stones. They can be of three kinds - oxalates, urates or phosphates. Depending on what kind of composition of stones you have, the doctor chooses a specific method of treatment and appoints a special diet.

It should be borne in mind that the diet should be adhered to constantly and even after a complete cure for a long time better not to depart from the course prescribed by the doctor in order to avoid the resumption of the disease.

Diet in urolithiasis: urate

In this case, the problem is the excess of uric acid formation. In order to avoid problems, you need to exclude from the diet meat, fish and poultry, all by-products, all canned food, all meat broths, smoked products. It is also forbidden to most green vegetables, soy and beans.

But you can safely eat the following foods:

You must drink 2.5 liters of water a day: this will save you from pain.

Diet: urolithiasis - oxalates

In this case, the restrictions will be slightly softer. Prohibited fatty fish and meat, offals, broths, mushrooms, red berries, cocoa, strong tea and coffee, many types of vegetables - except those on the list of allowed.

The list of allowed products includes:

Observing such a diet, you will maintain a wonderful state of health.

Diet: urolithiasis - phosphates

This diet is the reverse version of the diet with urate stones. Forbidden are vegetables, fruits and berries, all dairy, except sour cream, canned food, smoked meat, pickles, broths, spicy dishes and sauces. But what is allowed in other options can only be dreamed of:

It is also important to remember the rules of eating: you need to eat a little, but 5-6 times a day, preferably at the same time.