A sign is to see the rainbow

In summer, many people manage to see the rainbow, and this sign is definitely good. Long since this beautiful natural phenomenon overgrown with a large number of different legends. The rainbow was also mentioned in the Bible: after the great flood, the Lord God gave Noah a sign that the disaster was over and it's time to stop traveling. Therefore, it has long been accepted in the Christian tradition that the rainbow is a good sign.

Signs - see the complete rainbow

Often because of the clouds, we see the rainbow only fragmentarily, however, sometimes lucky people manage to observe it whole. It is believed that this is the sign of the end of the "black strip", if it was a harbinger of great luck in all matters.

A sign is to see two rainbows

If you are lucky in one day to see 2 rainbows, a sign says that you can safely make a wish, and it will certainly come true! You can consider yourself a lucky person if you are fortunate enough to stand under one of them. In this case, you can ask for something big and intangible - this desire has a better chance of execution.

A sign is to see a double rainbow

A double rainbow is a rare miracle of nature, and if you are lucky to watch it, and even entirely, it means that you have a big "white" strip ahead of you, the time in which your dreams will be fulfilled, and everything that will be with you happen, will be incredibly favorable for your fate.

A sign is to see the rainbow in winter

Of all the signs, one and the most successful is the winter rainbow. It is believed that the person who saw it, will certainly be very happy, and luck will accompany him in all endeavors. If you have planned any responsible or risky business - boldly decide on it, because luck will accompany you!

When you look at the rainbow, be sure to make a wish. After all, the rainbow is a bridge from you to unprecedented heights, and when you say desire in such a situation, it will be much easier for you to reach the heavenly office.

Alternative value of the rainbow

In ancient times, the rainbow was perceived not so positively. It was believed that this is a special bridge, according to which the souls of the deceased are sent, not either heaven or the other world. Therefore, the person who saw the rainbow, always beware, no matter how one of his loved ones died.

However, this is not a very common point of view, and Christians have always been inclined to perceive the rainbow as something good, divine and foreshadowing happiness .