Chin chin is a sign

Since ancient times, signs have densely entered the life of man and that the most interesting, without scientific confirmation, many superstitions come true. A lot of folk wisdom has to do with the human body and it is predicted by various events of the future. We suggest to understand what it means if your chin is scratched. Use superstition can be if the itching manifests itself irregularly, otherwise, this may indicate the presence of some health problems.

What does it mean if the chin is itching?

It is believed that the chin to some extent has a connection with his personal life, so itching in this area foreshadows an amorous adventure. If such feelings arose before a date, then do not worry, because everything will go well. Only the prediction does not concern the relationship as a whole, but refers only to a specific date. An unexpected itch in the area of ​​the chin for singles is a harbinger of a meeting with an interesting person with whom it will be possible to build a happy relationship , but they will be short-lived. For people who are in a pair, a sign explaining to what the chin is chasing a woman means that the other half is very jealous, so it's important to think about your own actions so as not to provoke a loved one.

For more information, it's worth considering the side of your chin, so if the itching appeared on the right side, it's a bad sign, foreshadowing bad news, as well as problems. Sometimes it is a harbinger of a serious conflict that can end in a fight. Now let's figure out what the woman's chin is on the left side. In this case, itching is a good sign, which presages the receipt of good news. In addition, a person can count on the fact that existing problems and issues will have a positive outcome. There is another version explaining what it means if the chin is itchy, so itching can be a harbinger of health problems. It should be noted that the disease can affect relatives and friends who have bristles.

If the chin is combed from another person, it means that in the near future it is expected some grandiose event, perhaps he will move up the career ladder or get good news.