People's signs for July

A rich Slavic culture has accumulated a huge number of traditions and will take in July. In this article, we will look at how important dates are allocated in the calendar for this month, and what are the popular wisdoms for them.

July 1 - Theodul

Opens the parade of people's celebrations for July month Feodula feast, which was the preparation for the harvest. It was believed that if you go fishing on such a day, it's only at dawn, as this is the time of the best biting.

July 2 - Zosima

This is the day of the patron saint of bees. Therefore, here are the signs associated with them: for example, if the bees fly to the hives - then, soon the rain will burst. But before the drought the bees become aggressive, they attack people.

July 3 - Methodius

Day of Methodius-Sparrowhawk is rich in signs of weather for July. So, for example, it was believed that if on this day it rains, then it will go for another 40 days.

July 6 - Agrafena

On this day, it was decided to harvest medicinal herbs, as well as folk festivities and games with bathing. A sign says that a turnip should be planted on that day.

July 7 - The Day of Ivan Kupala

This is a great holiday, which was jumped over a fire and bathed, and on the night was resolved some freedom of intimate relations. According to a sign, the rain on this day indicates a good harvest of cucumbers.

July 8 - Peter and Fevronia

The day of the most faithful and strong love. If this day is hot - it will stand for 40 more days.

July 10 - Samson

It was believed that if this day it began to rain, then it will go on and on, until September 14 - Indian summer.

July 12 - Petrov's Day

According to a note, this day usually costs hot. The people were sure that if it rained on that day, the harvest would be good. It was believed that the sun at this time can shimmer with different colors, so at dawn, everyone went to look at him.

July 14 - Kuzma and Demyan

It is a women's holiday, celebrated with a rich table, beer and bratchina. It was believed that by this time the grass is already ready for mowing.

July 16 - Name Day for Anatoly and Vasily

This is an unlucky day in which it was not recommended to start any business. By all means, any business could turn into problems.

July 18 - Athanasius

Signs for July-month necessarily include the well-known observations of this day. It was believed that on this day a month in the sky "plays". And if at the sunrise, he then appeared, then hid behind the clouds, it said that there will be a rich harvest.

July 20 - Foma

The people believed that the rain that began on this day, is hurting the harvest and will last quite a long time.

July 21 - Procopius the Reaper

It was believed that if blueberries ripened to this day, then there will be a rich harvest. As a rule, on this day the girls went to collect berries and blueberry leaves, which served as a cure for rheumatism, gout and diabetes.

July 24 - Yefimya - Stozharnitsa

To this day are the well-known folk signs of the weather for July: if thunder is heard, and the sound is deaf, there will be a gentle rain, and if the thunder is loud, there will be a downpour. In general, in principle, the presence of thunder on that day foreshadowed a successful fishing.

July 25 - Proclus the Weasel

Until that day, it was supposed to not only mow the hay, but also dry it, because on that day a lot of dew was expected.

July 26 - Gabriel

This day was very important for harvest - they built the first, "named" sheaf, groomed it and cherished it. It was believed that this curative hay, and they were supposed to even treat sick cattle. If this day was dry, then the autumn should have been dry.

July 28 - Kirik, Ulita and Vladimir

According to a sign, on this day it should rain: "Kirikov day, so wet, it pours rain." It was believed that this is the middle of summer.

July 29 - Afinogen, Finogen

This is the beginning of the harvest of rye. According to the note, on that day the birds fell silent.

People's signs for July allowed not only to determine the weather or the quality of the harvest, but also painted the activities that were ahead of the peasants in their harmonious, natural life.