Allergic rhinitis - how to get rid of an allergic rhinitis?

Among people who seek an allergist, most complain about allergic rhinitis. Cough and runny nose, caused by allergic reactions of the body to irritants, can be called diseases of our time. Incorrect lifestyle, poor ecology, a large number of chemicals and products lead to the fact that the allergy begins to show itself more often.

Allergic rhinitis - causes

In contact with the allergen, the body can give a different reaction, the most frequent of which is rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa, provoked by an irritant. Reaction to an allergen can manifest itself after a few seconds and continue even when the allergen is excluded from the surrounding space. The organism can give an allergic reaction to such substances:

Allergists say that every year suffering from allergic rhinitis is becoming more and more. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the increase in the number of chemical elements in the surrounding space, household and chemical goods, food, and environmental degradation. The immune system does not cope with the flow of irritants and reacts negatively to them.

All-year-round allergic rhinitis

All-the-year-round allergic rhinitis does not depend on the season. Rhinitis can diminish, disappear and appear independently of any causes or effects of stimuli. Chronic allergic rhinitis is manifested with other symptoms of allergy: sneezing, coughing, lacrimation, redness, suppuration and itching of the eyes.

The danger of the year-round form is that the lack of the necessary treatment leads to different exacerbations: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis, otitis. The main sign of complications is an increase in temperature, a strong swelling of the mucous membranes, the appearance of purulent discharge. Treatment of the year-round form begins after the samples for allergens have been made and associated diseases have been identified.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis

Seasonal allergy comes to a person along with the arrival of spring. The main reason for the appearance of a cold in this season is the flowering of grasses and trees. Allergic spring rhinitis smoothly flows into the summer and can be delayed until the fall. The patient should know exactly which plants he has an allergic reaction and try to avoid them. In addition, it is worth following such recommendations:

Allergic rhinitis - symptoms

Knowing how allergic rhinitis manifests helps to identify the disease in time and begin treatment. Allergists distinguish such symptoms of an allergic rhinitis:

To the allergic rhinitis may be attached and symptoms not related to the nose:

How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from a cold?

When diagnosing the type of cold the doctors rely on such recommendations as to distinguish the allergic rhinitis from the usual:

  1. Allergic rhinitis manifests itself sharply on contact with the allergen, and infectious - increases as the infection increases.
  2. Cold coryza is always accompanied by other infectious symptoms: cough, fever, chills, sore throat.
  3. Allergic rhinitis is accompanied by other symptoms of allergy: itching of the eyes, lacrimation, sneezing in contact with the allergen.
  4. In case of an allergic rhinitis, the discharge from the nose will be transparent and watery, and if there is a cold, at first it will be transparent, and later - thick and green or yellow.
  5. Allergic rhinitis disappears in the absence of an allergen, and the catarrhal can last more than two weeks.

Allergic rhinitis - treatment

Treatment of allergic rhinitis should be started when the diagnosis was confirmed that the common cold is allergic in nature. It is important to identify allergens that cause a negative reaction in the body, and try to avoid them. Allergists point to such moments in how to treat allergic rhinitis:

Spray from allergic rhinitis

Before treating an allergic rhinitis, you should be sure that rhinitis is allergic in nature. Cromona sprays are effective in controlling allergic rhinitis, but are absolutely useless for colds. Cromons are used in the complex treatment of mild to moderate allergy. They can remove inflammation and prevent the development of allergic reactions.

Spray-cromones include: Kromogeksal, Kromoglin, Kromosol. Their action begins to appear two weeks after the start of use. Daily it is necessary to spend 4-6 injections in a nose. The action of the cromones ends immediately after the drug is discontinued. With the preventive purpose, this remedy for allergic rhinitis begins to be used 2-3 weeks before the supposed flowering of plant-allergens.

Drops from allergic rhinitis

Drops from an allergic rhinitis are an important part of allergy treatment. All drops of this assignment can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Drops with antihistamine effect. They help reduce allergy manifestations and remove swelling. This group includes such drugs: Sanorin, Analergin, Allergodil, Tizin Allergi, Histimet.
  2. Drops with a hormonal component. Designed to relieve the symptoms of allergies and inflammation. Unlike the previous group, hormone drops are prescribed for moderate to severe allergy. These include Nazonex, Fluticasone, Alcedin.
  3. Immunomodulating drops: Derinat and IRS spray 19. Drops improve local immunity, helping to combat swelling of the nose.
  4. Vasodilating drops in the nose from an allergic rhinitis. Help reduce the production of mucus and improve nasal breathing. You can apply them for no more than 5 days. To this group of drugs are: Sanorin, Naphthyzine, Tizin , Nazivin, Galazolin.

Tablets from allergic rhinitis

Allergies, runny nose and itching cause unpleasant sensations and interfere with a full life. Tablets are an effective tool for treating allergic reactions in mild to moderate disease. In this matter, it is not necessary to engage in self-medication, because only an allergist doctor can choose the appropriate drugs. The group of antihistamines includes:

  1. Antihistamine preparations of the 1st generation: Fenkarol, Dimedrol, Diazolin, Tavegil , Suprastin. The effect of these drugs lasts no more than 8 hours. Tablets have an extensive list of side effects, and for which their use is prohibited in many countries.
  2. Two generations of antihistamines: Rupafin, Claridol, Claricens, Lomilan, Clarotadine, LoraGexal, Claritin , Kestin, Tsetrin. The effect of drugs continues throughout the day. The main disadvantage of these drugs is that they have a cardiotoxic effect, that is, they have a negative effect on heart function.
  3. Antihistamines 3 generations: Zirtek , Gismanal, Treksil, Telfast, Terfen. Since they are severely excreted from the body, they are used to treat chronic allergic processes.

Allergic rhinitis - treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of allergic rhinitis with folk remedies may be part of a comprehensive therapy. Reduce the manifestations of an allergic rhinitis can be with the help of these herbs:

  1. Ginger. The use of teas with ginger and honey leads to a reduction in inflammation and increased immunity.
  2. Chamomile. This herb is used for making tea and in the form of inhalations. To do this, add lemon oil in chamomile tea, moisten a piece of gauze cloth with a solution and apply to the nostrils.
  3. Mint. The grass should be consumed in the form of tea.
  4. Butterbur. Grass reduces inflammation and swelling. The fossil must be insisted in the thermos and consumed throughout the day.
  5. Elecampane. This herb is an excellent sedative against an allergic rhinitis. To be treated should be with the help of infusion, which is drunk twice a day for half a cup. For its preparation take 1 tsp. dry grass on a glass of water and boil for about 7 minutes.

Apparatus against cold and allergic rhinitis

For those who are looking for ways to get rid of an allergic rhinitis, physiotherapy devices for home use will become a real find. In online stores and pharmacy stores, you can find a special device, which uses the method of phototherapy. It consists of a main unit, from which two wires with pins exit. The device works for 5 minutes, but this time is enough to reduce the swelling and nasal congestion. Allergic rhinitis in pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of this device.

Allergic rhinitis - diet

The answer to the question, how to cure allergic rhinitis, would be incomplete, if not to describe the special diet. Nutrition for allergies should exclude such products: