Birthmark on the neck

People's beliefs say that a large number of birthmarks on the body indicate a happy fate. Dermatologists are not so optimistic about nevi, and all the time they are warned about the danger of their degeneration, especially with the frequent stay of pigmented formations under the ultraviolet, their mechanical damage.

Any mole on the neck is almost always open to the effects of solar radiation. In addition, it is easy to injure jewelry, accessories and clothing.

Are dangling moles dangerous around the neck?

Contrary to the widespread misconception, these nevi are extremely rare in melanoma.

The causes of their formation are hormonal changes, for example, during pregnancy or puberty, as well as frequent visits to the solarium, prolonged natural sunbathing. In addition, numerous small moles on the neck may appear due to activation of the human papillomavirus in the body.

Despite the low risk of degeneration of hanging nevi, dermatologists recommend that they be removed immediately to avoid mechanical damage.

Large flat mole on the neck

Such accumulations of pigment in the skin are called lentigo. In fact, they are birthmarks. These birthmarks almost never go to skin cancer , but they still need to be periodically examined for prevention:

  1. Pay attention to the edges of the nevus, they should be even, rounded.
  2. Check the symmetry of the tape.
  3. To investigate the structure of a mole. Normally, it has no veins and cracks.
  4. Consider pigmentation. The usual nevus has a uniform color.

What if a convex large birthmark appeared on the neck?

Described neoplasms are similar to warts, but have a vascular structure, since they are formed from capillaries. These nevi can be quite large and look unaesthetic, than they give psychological discomfort to women.

Experts advise to get rid of large convex moles, because they are most often traumatized by chains and beads, collars of clothes.