Blunt abdominal trauma

The impact of the blast wave, bumps, falling from high altitudes and squeezing the trunk causes a stupid abdominal injury that can affect the internal organs. The degree of damage depends on the values ​​of excess pressure or impact force.

Symptoms of blunt abdominal trauma

With minor trauma, the patient can do abrasions on the skin, with pain, with the tension of the peritoneum muscles. In case of occurrence of other signs, a conclusion is made about organ damage:

  1. Edema, pain, which becomes more intense when coughing and changing the position of the body, can talk about the bruise of the peritoneal wall.
  2. Very severe pain indicates a muscle rupture.
  3. Concentrated under the right rib, the pain that pushes to the area above the clavicle, a decrease in pressure, a pallor of the skin indicates that a blunt abdominal injury has caused damage to the liver, which often leads to internal bleeding .
  4. Swelling of the perineum, pain, withdrawal of urine with an admixture of blood are signs of rupture of the bladder.
  5. Injury to the small intestine is characterized by vomiting, palpitations and shock. The defeat of the large intestine is less often manifested by shock.

First aid for blunt abdominal trauma

It is important for the patient to ensure free access to the air, and then call an ambulance. In case of blunt abdominal trauma, emergency care may be to perform respiratory recovery measures. Waiting for doctors, it is important:

  1. Do not move the patient.
  2. Do not give any drugs, drinks and food.

In the presence of abrasions, you can treat them and apply a bandage and apply a compress with cold water.

Treatment of blunt abdominal trauma

The conservative method of treatment is bruises and muscle ruptures. The patient is prescribed cold compresses, bed rest and physiotherapy. In the presence of significant hematomas conduct drainage.

Gaps in the internal organs, in which bleeding is possible, require surgical intervention. The emergency patient under general anesthesia is given a laparotomy, after which the doctor applies the following measures:

  1. It stops bleeding.
  2. Examines the state of the organs of the peritoneum.
  3. Eliminates existing damage.
  4. Disinfects the abdominal cavity.

To prevent the development of complications, the patient is prescribed protein preparations, glucose, as well as infusion of plasma and blood. To prevent the development of peritonitis, the patient is given antibiotics.