Glystonnye preparations for people

Penetration into the body of helminths is the cause of the disease, called helminthiosis. Since parasites live in the intestine, an effective method of their destruction is the internal reception of medicines. For the treatment of people use anthelmintic preparations of synthetic origin, which have varying degrees of influence on the body. Their choice depends on the type of worms, because of what drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor after the examination.

How does anthelmintic medicine work for humans?

Previously, the most common were preparations based on natural ingredients such as male fern, pumpkin seeds, garlic extract, etc. However, manufacturers now offer synthetic drugs characterized by high efficacy and safety for humans.

The effect of anthelmintic drugs may be different. Acceptance of some leads to changes in carbohydrate metabolism in helminth cells. Other remedies destroy worms, paralyzing the neuromuscular system, and a drug such as phenasal is capable of simultaneously causing muscle paralysis and destroying the coverslips.

Clay preparations

Consider the most common and effective medicines used in the fight against helminthiases.


The drug is prescribed for non-katorosis, enterobiasis , ascaridosis. In the blood, it is almost not absorbed, affecting, in the main, the intestines. The taking of tablets leads to paralysis of parasites, as a result of which they are excreted from the body naturally.


This tool is used in the therapy of virtually all types of helminthiases, but it has the greatest effectiveness in relation to lamblia.


The drug is also a vermifuge of a wide spectrum of action, but its use is most often resorted to in the treatment of ascaridosis. Its dignity consists in the ability to improve immunity, because at times it is prescribed for precisely such purposes. For prevention, it can not be used, since it can only fight with adult individuals.


The product belongs to low-risk drugs, which, if observed, do not have a poisoning effect on the body. Recommend it when infected with a chain and a wide ribbon.

Vermox (Mebendazole)

This drug is classified as a broad-spectrum medicine of the scope of application. It is active in enterobiasis, ascariasis and many other types of helminthiases. Dosage is selected individually for each case. In the blood, the drug is almost not absorbed, but can be deposited in the liver, causing a number of side effects. This can be nausea, headache, liver failure, allergic reactions.


The drug is able to destroy not only adult worms, but eggs, and larvae of worms. It is used in the fight against ascarids, pinworms and whipworm. Also, it can be included in combined therapy of giardiasis , intestinal ugliness and other diseases.

Should people take anthelmintic drugs for prophylaxis?

There is an opinion that taking drugs will prevent the penetration of parasites. However, it is impossible to say exactly when the infection will occur, and having drunk a pill today, you can get sick tomorrow. In addition, most of the drugs have toxic effects, because unreasonable intake of anthelmintic drugs will only burden the body.

For prevention, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands after the street, going to the toilet, before eating. The only thing you can use without fear for the body, these are folk remedies such as pumpkin seeds and garlic.