Gymnastics for the eyes of Norbekov

Problems with the eyes have long ceased to be something amazing and rare. Almost every second modern person has to face the deterioration of his sight . Gymnastics for the eyes of Norbekov is a simple and very effective method that helps to restore vision and prevent its deterioration. To do a full set of exercises, it will take quite a bit of time.

The principle of gymnastics for Norbekov's eyes

Mirzakarim Norbekov has long been very seriously involved in the development and implementation of non-traditional methods of treatment. His methods are known and popular all over the world. Gymnastics for the eyes on Norbekov liked many patients suffering from vision problems. It is based on psychological liberation.

Healer is sure that a person who considers himself unhappy and weak, can not be healthy in principle. So the first priority is to believe in yourself, your strength, your own health and the quick achievement of the desired result. According to the author, gymnastics for the eyes on Norbekov will only benefit if the patient in parallel will practice meditation , auto-suggestion, and auto-training.

Since the exercises powerfully affect the psychoemotional state of a person, there are such categories of patients that exercise are contraindicated. These include:

Gymnastic exercises for the eyes of the Norbekov system

Although traditional medicine refers to Norbekov's method skeptically, in some cases even professionals can not deny its effectiveness:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to direct to the eyes streams of positive energy. Rub your palms, sit comfortably, straighten your back and close your eyes. The index fingers should be as close to the eyes as possible, but they should not touch the eyelid. Spend a few seconds in this position.
  2. Continue with the "Look Up-Down" exercise. The starting position is the same. Point your gaze upwards, mentally continuing it to the very top. And now, lower your eyes down, as if trying to peer into the throat and see the thyroid gland.
  3. Very effective in glaucoma gymnastic exercise for Norbekov's eyes "Khodiki". Look to the left, trying to shift attention to the tip of the ear and for it. Turn the view to the right and try to look behind the right ear. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times in each direction.
  4. Imagine a small eight in front of you and try to look through its contour. Do the exercise first in one direction, and then in the other. At the end, often and very gently blink.
  5. Repeat the same exercise, but draw a horizontal eight with your eyes.
  6. Let your eyes relax with the exercise "Butterfly". Slap eyelashes not too often, just as smoothly as a butterfly wings.
  7. Strengthen the oblique muscles of the eyes. Bring the index finger to the tip of the nose and closely monitor it. Continue to follow, even gradually removing the point from the nose.
  8. Imagine a medium-sized clock. Circle their eyes on the contour, lingering on the marks at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock - this will help to achieve smooth movements. Repeat the exercise first clockwise, then against.

Pleasant is the fact that gymnastics for the eyes on Norbekov can be used for both farsightedness and nearsightedness. Positive changes will be noticed in a few weeks (provided that the classes will be regular).