Chocolate cake in the multivark

Multivarka - this is a real sorceress, who has become simply an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Who has already become a happy owner of it, knows how delicious it is baking. In this article we will tell you how to make a chocolate cake in a multivark.

The recipe for a chocolate-curd cake in a multivariate


For white dough:

For chocolate dough:


Munk is poured into a bowl, add sour cream, mix and leave to swell for 25-30 minutes. We break eggs, add sugar, vanilla and beat it all up to a lush mass. Cottage cheese rub through a sieve and spread it into the egg mass. After the specified time, the mango with the sour cream is mixed again and added to the rest of the ingredients, without forgetting to mix again. Chop the chocolate into pieces, place it in a container and melt it on a steam bath. Sugar with eggs beat. In a little chilled chocolate mass, put a soft butter, add whipped egg mixture and sifted flour. Chocolate dough mix well. We spread the cup of the multivark oil, first place the chocolate dough into it, and on it - white. Using a wooden rod, you can make a divorce from the center to the edges. Chocolate-curd cake in the multivark will be baked for 40 minutes in the "Bake" mode.

Chocolate-banana cake in a multivark


For the test:

For cream:


Eggs combine with sugar and whisk everything up to the formation of white fluffy foam. Add milk, vegetable oil and stir with a spoon. Now combine the dry ingredients: vanillin, flour, cocoa and baking powder. Add the dry mixture to the liquid and mix. The resulting dough is poured into a pre-oiled multi-cook pan. We choose the program "Baking" and the cooking time is 60 minutes. After the signal, we do not hurry to open the lid, instead we add another 20 minutes. And only after that we open the multivark. We extract the biscuit from it using a steamer basket. When it cools down, cut off the top of the cake, carefully take out the crumb and crush it. Approximately 1/3 left for decoration, and the rest we add to the cream. Sugar with sour cream is beaten with a mixer. 200 ml of cream is left to make the glaze. In the remaining cream, add the crushed banana and crumb. All this is a good mix. The received mass is filled with "stenochki" of a cake, we cover with the cut off top, plentifully we pour on top with a cream and we decorate with a crumb. We put the cake in the refrigerator. The longer it is there, the more soaked it will turn out.

A simple chocolate cake recipe in a multivariate



In the multivark, we set the "Baking" mode and the time is 20 minutes. In the bowl we put margarine, when it melts, add sugar, milk and cocoa. Stir with a silicone spatula and continue to cook until the mass boils. At the same time, you do not need to close the lid. After boiling, the multivark is turned off, and the mass is slightly cooled. Approximately 1/3 cast and set aside. And in the rest of the warm chocolate mass one by one, add whipped eggs. Then add flour mixed with soda and stir well with the same silicone spatula. In the "Baking" mode, we set the time to 45 minutes. After the signal, check the cake for readiness. If it is well poured, remove it with a container for cooking on steam. And further, when the cake completely cools, glaze it with glaze, you can also sprinkle with chopped walnuts, peanuts or coconut shavings. In addition, the cake can be cut into 2-3 cakes and smear them with sour cream, mixed with sugar. In general, further is a matter of taste. Have a nice tea!