Chicken in sour cream sauce in a multivariate

The chicken fits perfectly with the creamy taste of sour cream sauce , which can be diversified by adding other flavoring additives and spices such as mustard, tomatoes and garlic. Extinguished in this sauce, chicken meat is incredibly tender and fragrant, and cooking a dish in a multivariate will simplify the task and make it taste more saturated.

Chicken fillet in sour cream-garlic sauce in a multivariate



Washed, dried and chopped chicken fillets are put in an oiled multicast, we select the "Baking" or "Frying" mode on the display and brown for ten minutes. Then add the peeled and chopped onions and fry for another five to seven minutes. Now season the meat with onions with salt, ground black pepper, add sour cream, pre-mixed with salt, nutmeg, spices and finely chopped garlic, mix, cover the lid of the appliance, translate it to the function "Quenching" and weigh the dish for twenty to thirty minutes , depending on the size of the slices of chicken fillet.

Braised chicken in sour-mustard sauce in a multivariate



Prepared properly as necessary chicken legs or thighs we put in the multicastry, preliminary having poured in it a little refined vegetable oil. We brown the meat from two sides in the "Frying" or "Baking" mode, then add the previously peeled and chopped onion and keep for seven more minutes or until the transparency of the latter. Next, pour in a dry white wine and let the liquid evaporate about half. Now add the fatty sour cream and boiled broth or filtered water, throw salt, a mixture of ground peppers, spices, switch the device into the "Quenching" mode and cook for thirty minutes. At the end of the time, add mustard, fresh herbs to your choice and taste and blown in the same mode for another ten minutes.

Chicken recipe in sour-tomato sauce in a multivariate



Pre-prepared chicken meat cut into portions and stacked in multicastry. Adding sour cream, mixed with tomato sauce, salt, ground black pepper, paprika and spices, mix, close the device and leave for marinating for about thirty minutes.

At the end of the time, add some salted water and mix it.

Now sprinkle the dish on top of the grated cheese, without stirring, close the lid of the device and select the "Quenching" mode on the display. We cook our chicken for one hour, and after mixing we mix. If the sauce has turned out for you liquid, then evaporate it in the "Steaming" mode for five minutes.