Fish, stewed in a multivariate

During the extinguishing, the food is able not only to reveal its taste, but also to preserve all the most important nutritional properties. It's easier and more convenient to extinguish the fish in the multivarquet, and we decided to devote this article to this method of cooking.

Recipe for fish stewed in a multivariate



We turn the multivark into the "Frying" or "Baking" mode and warm up the olive oil in the bowl. On the heated oil fry sliced ​​garlic with cumin and paprika for about a minute. Next, pour garlic with water and add pre-peeled and seeded tomatoes.

We put chopped Bulgarian pepper and pieces of fish fillet into the bowl. Fish, stewed in the multivarke "Redmond" is cooked in the "Quenching" mode, a similar method of cooking is also used for extinguishing fish in the multivariate "Polaris", while the cooking time is 30 minutes. We serve the ready fish with a slice of lemon, sprinkled with crushed coriander.

Fish, stewed in a multivariate

Alaska pollock is not an expensive fish that can be found everywhere. You can cook pollock in different ways, but the most delicious way is deservedly considered to be extinguishing. Check it out on your own, preparing the dish on the recipe below.



In a small bowl, mix the chopped parsley with half the garlic and lemon zest. In the cup of the multivarka we heat the oil and fry on it diced potatoes and large rings of onions. As soon as the vegetables turn rosy, add the remaining garlic and spices, lemon juice, sliced tomatoes in their own juice , a glass of water and a bouillon cube.

As soon as the liquid boils, we put chickpeas and fish into the bowl, cover the device with a lid and cook for 20 minutes at "Stewing". After the time has elapsed, we add prawns to the remaining ingredients and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle the prepared fish with a mixture of garlic and parsley.

Red fish stewed in a multivariate

Stewed red fish is not a dish for every day, but this is what you need in the cold season. A hearty and fragrant dish in a creamy sauce, will instantly satisfy the hunger and perfectly warm.



Parsley roughly cut and put in a bowl blender. Add lemon juice, butter, a little water, and salt with pepper to taste and whisk everything until a homogeneous paste.

In the bowl of the multivark, melt the butter and fry it finely chopped onion until it is transparent. Next we add chopped carrots, celery and potatoes. Fry the vegetables together for 5 minutes. Now we pour the broth and wine, cream, with the flour dissolved in them, and spread the fish. Switch the multivark to the "Quenching" mode. Preparation of stewed fish in the multivark will take 20-25 minutes. We add the prepared dish to taste, we savor with lemon juice and parsley pesto sauce, which we prepared earlier.