Ear drops for children

Even for an adult, ear pain is a test, but what can you say about babies? After all, they can not explain to parents exactly where and what exactly hurts. The first symptoms of pain cause moms to rush to the pharmacy for anaesthetising ear drops for children, which will ease the anguish of the crumbs. Of course, getting rid of the pain is necessary, but first you should precisely establish its cause, because it can be a foreign body, water or otitis. Only the doctor will tell you about it.

We drip it right

The pharmaceutical market abounds with a variety of ear drops for children, which differ in their names, composition and price. But a specific disease requires a specific treatment, and, as a consequence, drops. Nevertheless, the rules for their use are the same. First, the baby's ears should be clean, and the hands of the person who will dig in drops. Secondly, the drops should not be hot or cold. Hot can burn the inner ear, and cold can cause dizziness or acute pain. Thirdly, they should be buried, lying, that is, the sick ear should be on top. Pulling off the slightly auricle, digest the required amount of the drug, and then several times press the tragus with your finger, so that the medicine penetrates into the middle ear cavity better. After that, it's better to lie down for about 15 minutes with a cotton swab in your ear.

The most popular children's ear drops

Unfortunately, pharmacists have not yet invented universal drops of pain in the ears. Each individual drug has both indications and contraindications. For example, widely advertised in the media ear drops for children otipaks are positioned as a panacea for pain. But not everyone knows that they can not be categorically used for treatment if there is a suspicion of damage to the eardrum! Of course, one should not forget about individual intolerance. That's why before instilling any drugs, be sure to study the annotation. Even if the medicine is strongly recommended by a pediatrician.

And now in brief about popular products. The otipax mentioned above is a remedy for eliminating pain in the ears with an average otitis. These drops also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is due to the presence of lidocaine and phenazone in the formulation. Drops act locally, which makes them suitable for treating babies. However, be careful with lidocaine - this is a strong allergen!

Often children are prescribed ear drops of otof containing rifamycin - a strong antibiotic. They are effective in the treatment of chronic, acute diseases of the middle ear. Otofu can also be used for the perforation of the membrane, but the earache in the baby will not stop immediately, because the drops do not have an analgesic effect.

To drugs containing antibiotics (dexamethasone, gramicidin and frametin), ear drops are sfradeks . For the treatment of children, they are rarely used, which is associated with a large number of side effects, manifested with prolonged admission. Drops have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and antipruritic effect.

Ear drops tsipromed - a preparation antibacterial. For children who are under 15 years of age, it is usually not used. However, in some cases for pediatricians pediatricians advise it.

Regarding ear drops anauran , for children up to a year they are not recommended for use. Like otipax, they are not suitable in cases of damage to the tympanic membrane. In addition, this drug, containing antibiotic and lidocaine, often gives allergic reactions.

Another popular means for the treatment of otitis (with perforation of the membrane and without) are ear drops of normax , but children under 18 years of age are prescribed if absolutely necessary. Drops have antibacterial, bactericidal effect.

Take care of the ears of their babies, and trust the choice of drops LORA!