Dried tangerines

Dried tangerines are a delicious and healthy treat that you can eat just like dried fruits or add to various dishes. They can decorate cakes, jellies or use as a decorative element. Let's consider with you how to dry the tangerines, and what can be cooked from them.

Dried tangerines



So, tangerines cut into circles, put them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. Dry the fruit for about 1 hour in an oven heated to 140 degrees. Then we carefully turn the pieces and dry for another hour. Ready tangerines completely cool, put in a container, close the lid and put it away in the closet.

Recipe for chocolates with dried mandarins



Cottage cheese is wiped through a sieve. On a small teurochke chop a little chocolate and add it to the curd mass. Then we pour the powdered sugar, put sour cream, vanillin to taste, sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Now, with the curd mass, we form small pellets with our hands, put on each piece of dried mandarin and roll a ball. On a large grater, the three remaining chocolate, waffle candy Jack and roll our curd balls in sweet shavings. After that, we remove the sweets for about 30 minutes in the freezer, and then serve it to the table.

Dried candied fruits from tangerines



Tangerines washed, cleaned, cut in half and poured cooked in advance with hot sugar syrup. Now put the dishes with fruit on the stove and cook for 10-15 minutes on a weak fire. Then remove the jam from the fire, let it cool for 10 hours and cook again for another 10-15 minutes.

Repeat this procedure a few times, and then filter the filter carefully through a colander, mounted over a clean pan. In a colander we will have tangerines, and the syrup will slowly drain into a container. Fruits of tangerines are laid out in one layer on a sieve and dried in the oven at a temperature of 40 degrees. Then sprinkle them abundantly with sugar powder, lightly shake and dry for the second time in the oven. After that, we transfer the candied fruits into cans, cork and store them in a dry and dark place.