Hypnosis is a powerful influence on the human psyche. To introduce a person into such a temporary state, different techniques are used. Most often this sound effect. As a result of this influence, the activity of a person's consciousness is suspended, he is able to perform various commands and change his behavior. Hypnosis can both harm and benefit.
Types of Hypnosis
To date, there are several types of hypnosis:
- classical or directive. The classical technique of hypnosis implies a direct effect on consciousness. In this case, clear and explicit settings, formulations, and effects are used. The classical technique of hypnosis is used in medicine and on stage. This kind of hypnosis normalizes sleep, helps in the treatment of neuroses, phobias, sexual disorders, relieves depression, dependence on drugs, tobacco and alcohol;
- hidden hypnosis. This indirect influence on consciousness and psyche. This type of hypnosis is used in politics, advertising, business, for profit. This class includes the secret techniques of modern hypnosis, Eriksonovsky, gypsy hypnosis, special services and NLP (neurolinguistic programming);
- psychotropic type of hypnosis with the use of psychotropic and narcotic substances that affect the psyche.
At the moment, the most common are modern techniques of hypnosis like Erikson, conversational, mental, gypsy or street.
Hypnosis Techniques
- Erickson's hypnosis. The technique of Ericksonian hypnosis offers many techniques and strategies. These are speech techniques, indirect suggestions, nonverbal effects, as well as techniques of classical hypnosis. This technique of hypnosis and suggestion can instantly introduce into a person's trance. But for this method is not required trance.
- Conversational hypnosis. Basically, the hypnotic state is achieved through the impact of strong personal energy and the power of the eye. During the conversation phrases are built in such a way that they act as indirect suggestions and commands. This is a classic hypnosis, where with the help of well-formulated phrases certain settings are made.
- Gypsy or street hypnosis. This is the technique of instant hypnosis. Here, the techniques are similar to Ericksonian hypnosis. The technique of gypsy hypnosis also includes blundering, tranceing, suggestion (indirect and composite). Often used questions that lead a person into a shock state, into confusion.
- Mind hypnosis. The technique of mental hypnosis is the attainment of a hypnotic state through the transmission of thoughts, i.e. without suggestion aloud. The hypnotist must be able to transmit thoughts from a distance.
There are several practical methods of Erikson, how to master the technique of hypnosis and introduce a person into trance. Here are just some of them.
- "Say yes!". During the conversation it is necessary to make such statements, with which the person will necessarily agree. Then you can safely impose your proposal.
- The method of "polar reaction". This method works in the event that the interlocutor is accustomed to do the opposite. It is necessary to build a phrase so that the person has executed your instructions on the contrary.
- Shaking. Such methods are often used by gypsies. Chatter
disorientates the person and enters into a trance. - "Dual guidance - overload." This method of introducing into trance is used by street scammers. Two approach the person from different sides. They chatter viciously, they slap on the shoulder and wave their hands. All this overloads the mind.
- " Break the template." This method is built on confusion. Each of us uses standard templates in everyday life. If you put a person in an unusual situation, he will be confused by surprise, and there will be a "break in the template." At this moment, any suggestion will work.