Why does a child not sleep well at night?

The eternal question of all mothers: why does their child sleep so badly at night? Also what it is necessary to do in a situation when the kid often wakes up? In fact, for a child such a night mode is considered quite normal. The problem lies in another: someone is able to fall asleep independently, waking up in the middle of the night, and not even disturb mother, and at times the child is so poorly awake that in the middle of the night begins to cry.

Why is this happening?

The child can sleep very badly (not only at night, but also during the day), if the parents have not accustomed him to the normalized schedule. For example, from birth, the baby has a 90-minute cycle of wakefulness and sleep, by the two months the 4-hour cycle prevails, and at the age of three to five months, most children do not wake up at night (if only for feeding). Adhering to this routine and not breaking it, over time the child will develop his own schedule.

Although everything is determined on an individual basis. It is possible that even at the age of two, a child will be very sleepy at night. One of the reasons can be the nature of the baby. Often very active (restless) children sleep sensitively, and, accordingly, the slightest noise can awaken them. In addition, in order to make up for the power, they do not need much time. And they can wake up with the first cocks.

As a rule, before the first year the children sleep soundly. If at some point you begin to notice that the child does not sleep well at night, do not rush to feed him. After all, it may be that you need to change diapers or change the position of the baby. Also the reason that a one-year-old child wakes up at night or simply does not sleep well, maybe the discomfort that insects inflict on him (for example, mosquitoes). Maybe he felt hot or cold. Therefore, it is very important to identify the true reason why a child does not sleep well at night.

How to help the baby?

In the case when a one-year-old child does not sleep well at night, this may indicate that his teeth are incised. And, consequently, the pain causes great discomfort and there is a violation of sleep. Therefore, store special anesthetic gels. Massage of swollen gums with ice can also help. But it is necessary to do such procedures with great care, because it is possible to further damage the health of the child.

It is important to teach the child to fall asleep without your help (alone). You can put in your crib his favorite toy or a pacifier at the head level, so that, turning over, he could quickly detect it. Or, for example, teach you how to hug a blanket. There are many options.

If a child at the age of one year does not sleep well at night due to the large number of emotions that he received during the day, it is necessary to take him in quiet games for an hour (or two) before sleep. Or you can just read him a book. Thus, he will calm down a bit, and, accordingly, fall asleep more quickly.

Remember that the child must fall asleep in his crib. If you lull him in your bed, but only after he falls asleep, transfer, prepare for the fact that this will continue for a long time. And in the future, it will take you a lot of time to wean him from such a regime.

There are also cases when it is necessary to consult a doctor. After all, it may happen that the child suddenly began to sleep badly at night, although previously such was not observed, and you can not identify any visible cause. Perhaps a pediatrician will advise you on any sedatives that do not affect his health. For example, it can be herbal decoctions.

Summarizing all of the above, remember that when wondering why your child is sleeping so badly at night, first determine the cause. And then you look for possible ways of solving this problem, which can help you in your situation.