A worthy replacement for the young apples or mesotherapy for the face

Face mesotherapy is a non-surgical method of improving the facial oval, eliminating wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, skin dryness and dehydration, consisting of injections containing various drugs. The motto of mesotherapy is: "Rarely, little and in the right place," - the words of the French doctor Michel Pistor.

Composition of injections used

The following preparations are used for the procedure:

In addition, drugs are used: Trental, Piroxicam, Procaine, Triac, Embryoblast and others.

Technique of the procedure

From these preparations mesotherapy "cocktails" are prepared. These formulations are injected into the mesoderm using injections, which are carried out with the thinnest needle, so that the traces of the injections remain only for a couple of days.

There are two methods for administering drugs for face mesotherapy:

  1. The technique of "papacy" - individual injections in problematic places.
  2. Linear technology - with correction and removal of wrinkles.

Warnings and contraindications

Contraindications to mesotherapy face are:

Tips and advice on mesotherapy

  1. It is advisable to carry out the procedure not earlier than 25 years, since the procedure is an age. There are many ways to get rid of the first signs of wrinkles: various nutritious masks, walks in the fresh air, healthy and full sleep. To get rid of acne and post acne it is possible with the help of glycol peeling and laser resurfacing . Cosmetologists recommend starting mesotherapy at the age of 35-40 years and older.
  2. Pay attention to the clinic that conducts these procedures, and the doctor who will deal with your face.
  3. Make sure that you have two tests for hypoallergenic drug. An allergic reaction can lead to disastrous consequences!

How soon does the effect of mesotherapy appear and how long does it last?

Obvious results from procedures on the face can be seen after 2-3 injections: the skin is smoothed, looks healthy and moisturized. The recommended course of procedures is 6-10, depending on the skin condition. A temporary break between injections is one week. Alas, but the result of mesotherapy is short-lived - from several months to six months. This happens because useful substances are gradually withdrawn, and everything returns to normal. Therefore, the procedure will need to be repeated.

How to conduct mesotherapy in the home?

If you are wondering whether it is possible to make mesotherapy yourself, then it is possible to say yes with confidence. Modern cosmetology allows you to make procedures at home using mesorollers and mesococtails, which are sold freely.

To conduct rejuvenation sessions without leaving your home, you will need:

To begin with, you need to wash your face with soap and treat it with an antiseptic. Then, an anesthetic cream is applied, which must be left on the face for 30 minutes to make it work. Then the mesoroller makes ten movements horizontally and vertically in each section. Again, the cream that corresponds to the desired result is applied: moisturizing, from acne , nourishing.

Is it worth it?

In choosing a means to combat the first signs of aging, one should not rely on intuition, since it is on the face that our environment first of all draws attention, and this means that mistakes here are unforgivable. Let's take a detailed look at the pros and cons of mesotherapy:



Do you need mesotherapy for your face, it's up to you, but you should know that in the fight for youth you have a reliable ally that will help your skin to remain beautiful and young.