How to punish an offender by plotting at a distance?

It is difficult to meet a man who does not have enemies. Insults and any unpleasant things can be expected from completely unfamiliar people. Of course, psychologists recommend not to react to the abusers and act smartly, but sometimes the sludge after the scandal is too strong and the desire to get revenge increases every day. In this case, you can use various conspiracies and rituals that any person can hold.

How to punish an offender by plotting at a distance?

The ritual should be started when the name of the person who hurt and offended is known. You need to spend it before the full moon. For the ceremony, take a small bulb and write on it the name of the offender. Under and above it, put a cross. Take the wax church candle, light it and on each side of the bulb drop a drop of wax. Then take a bowl of church water and put the vegetable in it. Leave the container on the side and after sunset the next day next to it light the candle, setting it so that the wax drips into the bowl. After this, tell the conspiracy to punish the offender:

"As the wax melts from the flame of the candle, so let hatred and your evil, (the name of the offender) melting away from my words!"

Repeat it 40 times. Then put out the candle and clean everything until the next day. On the third day of the full moon, go to church and order forty sorrows for the offender's health. In the evening of the house, again, 40 times read the above plot with a lit candle. Do not extinguish it, but leave it to completely burn out. It is important that the smoke generated from it should go out into the street. Bowl with onions and remaining wax should be hidden for 40 days away from the eyes. At the end of time, take two candles and remove the sulfur, and then, get them wax and put them in a sheet of paper. There also correct the remains of the bulb. Everything must be properly wrapped and buried under a dry tree. During this it is necessary to say a conspiracy against the offender:

"Here is your evil to be and rot. To me, (name), always and everywhere be healthy! "

Water from the bowl should be thrown out after the offender. To finish the ritual, it is necessary to order a prayer service for health in the three churches.

How to punish the enemy - conspiracy against the enemy with a volt

This ritual refers to black magic. To conduct it, you need to take a church candle, clay and needles. The doll can be made in advance, and buy a candle after noon. To start reading the plot is on the waning moon. Take the clay and make it a volt, that is, the figure of the offender. If there is his photo, you can cut out the face and attach it to the doll.

At sunset from the room, remove the icons and remove if there is a cross. The next step is to light the candle from the back side. Over fire burn new needle and pierce it with volta's head. After this, looking at the flame, say three times the conspiracy to take revenge on the offender:

"I am defeating you, (name), with a stinging needle! Do not think about me, do not harm me and do not interfere! "

After said needle pull out of your head and stick it into the heart of the volta, and then say to the flame conspiracy three times:

"I am defeating you, (name), with a stinging needle! Heart does not fight evil, do not scoff at me! "

The next step is to insert the needle into the solar plexus and say three times:

"I am defeating you, (name), with a stinging needle! I crush your thoughts, your heart, your soul! So that you, (name), do not feel sad about me, Do not do evil things against me. Forces evil you, (name), deprive. I'm sending to pitch hell. "

All actions must be repeated three times from the very beginning. Then extinguish the candle with your fingers, cut it into three pieces and wrap it in a black cloth. Bury everything in the wasteland, using only hands. In the same place, bury the needles and the doll. When you come home, be sure to wash your hands in the basin, and throw out the water on the door of the house where the enemy lives.

Conspiracy photo on the offender

Thanks to a simple ritual, you can get your enemy to feel guilty and apologize. To conduct it, you need to take a picture of the offender, or, in extreme cases, a normal sheet of paper with a name written on it. To start a ceremony it is necessary on a women's day, if the representative of the fair sex has offended, and vice versa. At dawn, take a photo and put it on a white saucer. Begin to spit on the picture and say a strong conspiracy to the offender:

"To burn you, (name), in my saliva, like devils in the fire, until you fall to my feet and repent!"

Burn the photo, and scatter the ashes at the crossroads. Be sure to leave three coins there as a ransom.