Diet table 9 - menu for the week

The diet menu table number 9 is prescribed for diabetes mellitus of mild and moderate severity. Its main purpose is to normalize metabolic processes, but this is due to a reduction in carbohydrate intake. Adhering to such a diet, you can normalize blood sugar, reduce cholesterol , pressure and get rid of puffiness.

Menu for the week diet table number 9

Experts allow their diet to develop independently, most importantly, take into account the basic principles and rules of this technique:

  1. Diet № 9 is moderately low-calorie and per day it is allowed to eat from 1900 to 2300 kcal. This value is achieved through the abandonment of simple carbohydrates and animal fats. BJU for a day looks like this: proteins - 100 g, fats - 80 g and carbohydrates - 300 g. Another should limit the amount of salt consumed. A day should drink about 1.5 liters of water.
  2. In the diet menu, table number 9 should not include the following foods: sweets, pastries, fatty sour-milk products and broths, rice, pasta, sausages, as well as pickled, salted, sharp and smoked foods. Refuse is necessary from sweet fruits, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as well as from salted and fatty fish, sauces, canned food and caviar.
  3. It is important to prepare meals correctly, giving preference to baking, stewing and steaming. Frying is strictly prohibited.
  4. Desserts are allowed, but they should be cooked from healthy foods, and as a sweetener use a little honey or sugar substitute .
  5. Making up the menu for the week of diet table number 9, please note that in addition to basic meals, you must include two more snacks. It is important that the portions are small.
  6. It is best to give preference to products that contain many vitamins, dietary fiber and lipotropic substances.

Examples of the diet menu 9th table

Option number 1:

Option number 2: